Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sadness sets in...

Download Wordart Here

Christmas break is almost over and I have to start thinking about going back to work. Even though we're almost halfway through the school year this time of year always seems to drag out. So if your kids are dragging and don't want to get out of bed in the mornings don't be too hard on them. Their teachers are feeling it too. LOL!

Hey, I have to find where I put that jury summons....


  1. UGH, I go back tommorow, and am a teacher also. This wordart is going to be perfect for my work related pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  2. LOL! Good luck tomorrow! Happy NY! Cynthia

  3. Thanks, Ginger. I have been enjoying your blog and your word art!! I know the feeling about going back to school--I have 3 more days!!

  4. I'm way too old to work at anything I don't want to do! Retired but it took three trys to get it right. Thanks for sharing the word art. I enjoy making pages so I'll use it soon. Corrine in WA
