Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Download Wordart Here

This is my last full day in London. I'll be getting on a plane tomorrow morning to head back home then it's back to school on Monday.

Here's another layout I made using Flower Scraps Get Hoppin' Kit. Stop by tomorrow and you can get this page as QP!

I don't have another layout using Shel's Funky Grunge Kit, but I wanted to remind you to go by her blog and pick it up! Here's the preview again in case you forgot the kit I'm talking about...


  1. I love the way you're posting in absentee. Of course, I expect to hear all about your trip when you return. Meanwhile, you're quote for today is just so...uh...refreshing...

  2. Thank you for sharing! :) Have a FANTASTIC last full day in London!! :)

  3. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 09 Apr [LA 02:47am, NY 04:47am, UK 09:47am, OZ 07:47pm] ).
