Saturday, October 31, 2009

Morning Solitude Blog Tain

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I know that I'm posting this pretty early, but with the excitement of Halloween I can't promise that I'll remember to post it if I don't do it now. LOL!

This month's Stuff to Scrap blog train theme is called Morning Solitude. This is probably a very good theme to start the day after Halloween. We're probably all going to need some morning solitude tomorrow. LOL!

I didn't make very many elements this month, but I love the papers I made and when you combine it with all the other mini kits from the train you'll have an awesome kit! Here's the preview of my part with the download links under the picture.

Download elements here
Download papers here

Here's a quickpage I made with my part and one that Nita made. The download link for mine is under the picture, but you'll need to go to Nita's blog to get her QP.

Download QP here

Pick up Nita's QP here

After I finished playing with my part of the blogtrain, I got to play with Shel's. I just love what she did with the colors! Take a look at her preview...

Here's the QP I made for you using Shel's kit...

Download QP here

And here are the links to all the other stops on the blog train. Remember that I've posted early, so not everyone will have their parts up yet. Just visit them again later.

Scrap Like Crazy
Manda's Scrappin' Creations
Rainamoon Scraps
Becky aka SAHM Scrapper
Scrappin' Serenity
Life Is Not A Cereal
light's digiscrapworld
Christin's Creations
Scraps 'n Pieces
Midnight Scrapping
Kori's Scraps
Desertgirl Designs
Farrah Smith Designs
Little Red Scraps
Always Be Neighbors Designs
Ányi + a digitális scrapbooking
Grandmas Templates
The Scrappy Kat
Digi-Scrapz by Christi
Jensen Motley Crew Designs
Ginger's House ~~~ YOU ARE HERE
StashHappy Designs
My Scrappy Heart
Dream Big Designs
Shel Belle Scraps
Adriana's Cafe
Mommy Me Time Scrapper
Mom's World of Unique Possibilities
A Fish Design
Nibbles Skribbles
A valóság tükre (Osli's blog)
Saphira's Scrapdesign
Let Me Scrapbook!
Crafting at Your Special Delivery
Flower Scraps
Every EverAfter Moment
Nita's Things
Craft With Me
Mad Genius Designs
The Latest Scoop, Too
ABC Scraps
JW DigiScraps

Have fun downloading all your goodies! Enjoy the rest of your day. Have a fun and safe Halloween and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Happy Halloween!

Download wordart here

Are you excited about Halloween? I never get trick or treaters, but that's OK cause it means I get to keep all my candy. LOL!

I enjoyed my day off. I slept in and then ran some errands now I'm free to play all weekend. YIPPEE! I plan to spend a lot of time playing at the Stuff to Scrap forum during November! On top of the normal monthly challenges there will be a challenge a day. Each challenge will have a different host. Make sure you check it out!

You'll also want to visit the Stuff to Scrap Blog on week days during November to pick up a special download a day from a great designer collab kit called Scrap Yourself Silly. Take a look at what you'll be getting...

I played with April's new Holiday Baking kit today. This is such a fun kit. I made a couple of layouts and saved both of them as quick pages for you. I'm giving one of them to you today and you'll get the second one on Monday. Remember that this kit is on sale at Scrap it Sassy so you can pick it up for only $2.74. The download link for the QP is under the picture.

Download QP here

I'm going to get some sleep and I'll be back sometime in the late afternoon to post my part of the Morning Solitude Blog Train

Friday, October 30, 2009

My tummy hurts!

Download wordart here

There's no school tomorrow so today was our Halloween celebration and that means lots and lots of snacks. I was so full of junk I had a headache and a tummy ache by the end of the day. LOL!

I am so glad I don't have to go to school tomorrow! Yea for long weekends! This weekend is going to be a great one. Halloween on Saturday. Sunday is the first of November and that means the Stuff to Scrap Blog Train starts. The new challenges get posted in the Stuff to Scrap forum. For the month of November there is going to be a challenge a day on top of the normal challenges. Plus, November is the best month ever because it's my birthday month!

Today was the first day of an awesome three day sale at Stuff to Scrap. Check it out to pick up some great kits at an even greater price!

April has been hard at work on some new kits. She has added a kit called Holiday Baking to her store. This is an awesome kit and will look so cute with some pictures of your Holiday baking. Notice I said YOUR Holiday baking. LOL! We all know I won't be doing any baking!

April has also put some snowglobes in her store that match the Autumn Kisses kit. These are just adorable! Take a look at this preview...

I just love these and of course I had to pull out the Autumn Kisses kit and make another layout. I saved it as a QP for you and the download link is below the picture.

Download QP here

Make sure you pick these up in April's store at Scrap it Sassy soon because they are on sale for 50% off!

I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and look for me at Digifree!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Download wordart here

I've got a three day weekend! Thursday is our Halloween costume parade so the kids will be excited all day and there won't be much work getting done. It's always great having a long weekend after days like that. LOL!

I'm going to bed now. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Download wordart here

I know I'm behind on letting you know about the postcards we're received. SORRY! Today we received a postcard from Diana in Cape Coral, Florida. It was a beautiful picture of seashells. Last Friday we got two postcards from Toowoomba, Australia. The kids were excited that we got cards from a mom and daughter and their families.

Thank you so much for sending cards to us! It's such a big deal for the kids and the lady in the office that sorts the mail loves seeing them too. LOL!

I've got to get some sleep. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another Hallow's Eve QP

Download wordart here

Come back tomorrow for the country girl version of this wordart

This week at school our reading series is covering the letter "B". We talked about how no one in our class has a first name that starts with B, but that Ahmed and I both have last names that do. He was excited about sharing that honor with me and said, "That's right! Only us!" Then he looked at me very seriously and asked, "But, Ms. Brown, what is your last name?" I told him that my last name was Brown. He looked very doubtful and said, "So you're Ms. Brown Brown?" LOL! I don't think he figured how why I laughed so hard. LOL!

I've got the second Hallow's Eve QP ready for you. April also posted a great QP for you on her blog the other day. Make sure you pick that one up too and don't forget about her 50% off sale!

Your download link is below the picture

Download QP here

I'm heading off to bed now. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Here you go...

Download wordart here

A couple of days ago I posted a different version of this wordart and got a request for this one. I got it done and wanted to post it right away. If you didn't get the first one, you can see it here. It's all about who's driving the crazy train! LOL!

I was working in my class after school today and pulled my blog up so I could listen to the music while I worked. I noticed that someone from Lincolnton, North Carolina has visited today. That's the little town I lived in. I graduated from LHS. I thought that was pretty random, since it is a small town. So, if you're reading this and you're from Lincolnton...hey! LOL!

I'll be back later to post another QP from April's Hallow's Eve kit. Don't forget about April's sale and make sure you look for me at digifree!

I may need to take a cooking class!

Download wordart here

It's no secret that I can't and don't cook, but I may need to change that. Today I was sitting out by the water and a very cute guy walked by. We exchanged "Hi's" and then he asked me if I was the one "doing all the baking the other day". After I laughed I let him know that no one has ever accused me of baking before. He said that someone was baking and it smelled great then he saw me carrying a basket and thought I had put my baked goods in the basket to go somewhere.

Well, I've been sick so I'm a little off my game and it didn't occur to me that this cute guy just might be flirting with me. I was too caught up on someone thinking I had actually baked something and trying to figure out when I had carried a basket anywhere. LOL!

Anyway, I've got a basket and a fire extinguisher, so I'm ready to bake something and go looking for the cute guy. I just need to know what and how to bake. LOL!

I found some time today to play with April's Hallow's Eve kit and I've got two quick pages for you. I'll give you the first one today and the second one tomorrow. If you haven't picked up this kit yet, now is a great time to get it! April has all of her kits 50% off until the end of October. Go to her Scrap it Sassy store and check it out.

This first layout also has a pumpkin from April's Jack-O-Lantern Faces kit. Your download link is below the picture.

Download QP here

I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another lazy Saturday

Download wordart here

Come back tomorrow for the country boy version of this wordart

I slept in today and that was wonderful. I went out to run some errands and got a haircut. Other then that I've been lying around the house doing nothing and I've enjoyed every minute of it!

My voice sounds much better today. I bet it will be back to 100% tomorrow.

I do want to show you another layout I made with the Travel Time Kit by Carol's Digiscrap Creations. This one has a photo of Ocean Drive taken from the beach. I love living here!

Ok, I'm going to get some sleep. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Another Travel Time Layout

Download wordart here

I wanted to show you another layout I made with Carol's Travel Time kit.

It's such a fun kit and it's on sale now for 25% off! Head on over to Cool Scraps Digital and check it out!

Friday, October 23, 2009

My friend is a liar!

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My friend Rachel is a liar! I told her I was going to tell the whole world, but I can't really do that so I'll just tell you guys. LOL! We had another beautiful day so we were sitting outside at one of the restaurants on Lincoln Road having dinner and drinks. Well, she was talking a mile a minute about her day since I'm still not talking very much.

Two guys pulled up chairs and joined us. They were younger then us, not my type at all and Rachel is very happily married, but they bought us a round of drinks so we let them stay. LOL!

Well, for some reason during the conversation Rachel felt the need to tell them that she was 50 years old. She's NOT 50! I just sat there in shock wondering why she would add years to her age when I'm always trying to subtract them from mine. Well, one of the guys then looked at me an asked if I was 50 too. Let me tell you, as loud as my crackly voice would allow I made it quite clear that I wasn't. LOL!

As we were walking back home I asked Rachel WHY, why in the world would you tell someone you're 50 when you aren't?!?! She said that's her new thing. She then announced that she looks good for 40, but she looks awesome for 50. LOL! I guess you can't argue with that kind of logic.

My friends are crazy and I love them!

I've got a candy bar wrapper for you that I made with April's Hallow's Eve kit. I hope you can use it. The download link is below the picture.

Download wrapper here

Hallow's Eve & Jack-O-Lantern Faces

Download wordart here

April has added another Halloween kit to her store at Scrap it Sassy called Hallow's Eve. It's a really cute kit! Just look at this preview...

She also has a cute mini kit called Jack-O-Lantern Faces. Check this out...

I can't wait to play with these! They are just screaming candy bar wrapper! So, look for a freebie soon, but right now, I'm going to bed. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Travel Time

Download wordart here

Not being able to talk has it's advantages. I'm not talking on the phone or hanging out with my friends so I'm getting lots done around the house. And I've finally gotten to some wordart requests that have been sitting in my folder for way too long. SORRY! This is one of them and I hope you can use it cause I really don't remember who requested it. SORRY---AGAIN!

I've also been playing with the Travel Time kit by Carol's Digiscrap Creations. I love this kit! Take a look...

Carol also has some awesome wordart and date stamps in her store that go with this kit. Make sure you check those out too!

I didn't use one of my vacation pictures today because for some reason I had a Journey song stuck in my head. Can you guess which one? LOL! Here's the layout I made...

Don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Glee QP Freebie!

Download wordart here

I woke up to rain today and the day didn't look very promising, butt the sun came out and it ended up being beautiful. The low 80s with a breeze. It was awesome!

My voice wasn't so awesome. LOL! I came home so tired today that I had to take a nap. It's amazing how much harder you work when you can't talk.

Today you're finally getting the QP I promised you. the download link is below the picture.

Download QP here

If you haven't picked up the whole kit make sure you visit Shel's blog to get it! The kit won't be free for much longer!

Plus she's going to be posting a great add-on freebie with some papers and elements that aren't in the regular kit. Check this out...

So head over to Shel's blog to pick it up then enjoy the rest of your day. Don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

By special request

Download wordart here

Come back tomorrow for the guy version of this wordart

I got an email from Roxie asking if I could do another version of the background music wordart and I loved the idea so much that I just had to do it! Here you go Roxie...

Download wordart here

I also wanted to show you another LO I made with Shel's Glee Kit. I did this one for a recipe challenge at Stuff to Scrap.

Now I'm going to try and get some sleep since I head back to school tomorrow. My throat feels much better and my voice sounds almost normal again.

Don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Download wordart here

Well, we had one day of cool weatherand tomorrow it goes back into the 80's. I didn't get to enjoy the day though because the cold I've been trying to fight off has won the battle. Yesterday I had no voice at all. Today I made noises that hurt my throat if I tried to talk, so I didn't try very much. LOL! Needless to say, I stayed home today and I'm staying home tomorrow too. I hate using my sick days when I'm sick!

I wanted to share a LO with you that I made using Shel's new Glee Kit.

If you would like the wordart that I used on the LO you can download it here

Don't forget to look for me at digifree!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Are you a Gleek?

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Don't you just love to watch Glee? I do and so does Shel! She loves it so much she has named her new kit Glee. It's a fun kit that's full of bright colors and you are going to love it! Check out this preview...

You can download the kit for free this week only on Shel's blog then it goes into her Stuff to Scrap store. So, head over to Shel's blog now!

I'll have a QP for you that I've made with this kit later in the week.

Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lazy weekend

Download wordart here

Come back tomorrow for the dog version of this wordart.

I'm having a wonderfully lazy weekend! Too bad it has to end. Monday always seems to roll around to quickly!

I have another layout and QP from April's Cowboys and Indians kit to share with you. This is such a fun kit! Your download link is below the picture.

Download QP here

Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Quick Page Freebie!

Download wordart here

We had some rain this evening that messed up our plans. We ended up ordering dinner in and playing with the Wii Sports Resort. We had fun and I totally ruled at fencing!

I've got a quick page for you that I made using April's new Cowboys and Indians Kit. The download link is below the picture.

Download QP here

Now, I'm going to get some sleep. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cowboys and Indians

Download wordart here

Come back tomorrow for the girl version of this wordart.

Well my class didn't burn down the building yesterday, but I understand the sub went home very tired. LOL! Just wait until next month when I'll be taking two days off!

April has added another kit to her store at Scrap it Sassy called Cowboys and Indians. It's a great kit for scrapping pictures of little boys playing. You could also use it for the big boys in your life. LOL! Take a look at this preview...

Tomorrow I'll have a QP for you that I made with the kit.

I took some cold medicine earlier and I've been planning on going to bed for the last two hours or so, but I just keep doing other things instead. Now, I'm barely keeping my eyes open so off to bed I go. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree.