Thursday, October 22, 2009

Glee QP Freebie!

Download wordart here

I woke up to rain today and the day didn't look very promising, butt the sun came out and it ended up being beautiful. The low 80s with a breeze. It was awesome!

My voice wasn't so awesome. LOL! I came home so tired today that I had to take a nap. It's amazing how much harder you work when you can't talk.

Today you're finally getting the QP I promised you. the download link is below the picture.

Download QP here

If you haven't picked up the whole kit make sure you visit Shel's blog to get it! The kit won't be free for much longer!

Plus she's going to be posting a great add-on freebie with some papers and elements that aren't in the regular kit. Check this out...

So head over to Shel's blog to pick it up then enjoy the rest of your day. Don't forget to look for me at digifree!

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