Monday, February 15, 2010

100 Days of School

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On February 4th we celebrated our 100th day of school! Shel made celebrating that day even more fun for me by creating this awesome kit...

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Even though the theme of the kit is the first 100 days of school, it's perfect for other layouts too---The first day of school, science fairs, fall and spring festivals, class parties and projects, etc... It's also a wonderful compliment to the kit Shel made for the 100th day last year...

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Both kits are in Shel's store at Stuff to Scrap and they are both on sale now!

I've put together a couple of layouts so far. I've got lots of pictures of this day though, so I know I'll be using the kit lots and lots! This first layout shows some of the kiddos eating their 100 day snack...

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This layout is a group picture I took after our 100 step walk. We didn't end up at the beach like the kids hoped. LOL!

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Now, head on over to Stuff to Scrap and check out these kits while the Valentine sale is still going on!

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