Friday, February 19, 2010

How do you...

Download wordart here

When you find yourself in a slump how do you get out of it? I'm in a slump now. I'm tired. I'm stressed. I need a vacation. I have so many pictures that I need to scrap and I just don't feel like messing with them.

Isn't that bad? The thing that relaxes me the most is the last thing I want to do now.

Oh well, maybe I'll feel better after I hit happy hour tomorrow. LOL! Enjoy your day.


  1. Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list

  2. Usually I cruise the net for inspiration. I look in galleries for inspiration from other LOs. Or, I look for freebies to see if they give me any ideas. I have a folder on my computer where I download pages from others that I like and want to scraplift but don't have time or don't have the pictures yet. Sometimes I look at kits that I haven't used yet or that I haven't used in a long time and see if any of them give me inspiration.

    I've been in a slump lately, too. The only pages I've done this month are my 365 pages. I just can't seem to get motivated. Here's to both of us finding some motivation!

  3. I totally commented here and it disappeared. :-(

    I'm in a slump too right now. Hope to get out of it soon. The only pages I've done in the last month or so are my 365 pages...

    Here's what I try:
    1. Look in online galleries for inspiration... either for subject, colors, designs, or page titles

    2. Look for a new kit to use

    3. Look through kits I have that I haven't used or ones that I haven't used in a long time

    Here's to getting out of slumps!

    PS - thanks for the word art!

  4. and now I feel stupid because I guess it posted anyway. ha!

  5. First off, thanks for the word art! It will go great with the Olympics-themed layout I’m doing of our furbabies. They made the Cat Olympics US Team in pairs sleeping, you know! :)

    I’ve found over the years, that if I’m suffering from creative block, exercise works wonders. I have osteoarthritis in my knee now, so I have a recumbent bike that does the trick, but I used to walk out the door and keep walking when I needed a creative boost. They used to laugh at me when I was a cable TV producer, because I’d just leave the building and walk around the parking lot, but I always came back with an idea!

    The trick is to do something to give your brain a rest, something that takes no thinking. Steven Covey calls it “sharpen the saw, it works wonders!

    Well, anyway, it does for me. ::shrugs:: Good luck on beating that block!
