Saturday, July 31, 2010

April the Scrapaholic

OK guys, my friend April has had a tough time this year and stopped designing for awhile. Well, she is once again finding her footing and is getting back into the swing of things. She has started uploading her kits to her blog store so they are available again. YIPPEE!!
Please, go visit April and encourage her to keep it up and to add more new things! You just may even find a super cute alpha freebie waiting for you there!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Why, Big Brother, Why?!?!

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Please, someone tell me why Rachel won HOH on Big Brother tonight! I can't stand the sound of her voice and now we all have to watch another week of her and Brendon making out in the HOH room. GROSS!!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Miami!!!

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The city of Miami is now 114 years old! Alot of people don't like Miami, but I think it's the best place on Earth!

No matter what day of the week it is there are some things that are constant in Miami. I guarantee that you can always find children laughing, salsa music playing, a couple holding hands by the water and some Cuban gentlemen playing dominos.

Life here is good!

I am proud that I was born here, wish that I had grown up here and glad that I came back as an adult.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mini Lobster Season

Tonight is the start of the 48 hour mini lobster season here in Florida and the guys are all out on the boat trying to catch some lobster for us. I've got my fingers crossed in hopes that they bring some home! YUM!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Still no camera

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Well, my camera still hasn't shown up so I'm still bummed. The good news is that I get to buy a new camera now. Any suggestions on what I should get?

I even got a refund on my car insurance to help pay for the new camera. Apparently, I overpayed the premium so they sent me a check refunding the extra I paid. Guess how much I got? 90 cents! That's right---90 cents. LOL! It cost them 35 cents to mail the check to me so I have to ask----Why did they bother? LOL!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Waiting For The Stork by Scraps of Ellay

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I'm really excited about the newest kit by Scraps of Ellay! It's called Waiting For The Stork. One of my friends may or may not have told me recently that she's 7 weeks pregnant. (she did) She may or may not be trying to keep it a secret for now. (she is) That means I may or may not be one of four people who know at this moment. (I am) LOL!

Take a look at this kit preview...

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Here's a couple of layouts that I've put together so far...

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I may or may not be using this kit again in the future as I get pictures of my friend through the months. (I will) LOL! In the mean time, you can pick the kit up for yourself at the Scraps of Ellay store at Stuff to Scrap.

For more layout inspiration check out Ellay's blog!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Trying not to panic!!!

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I know I've told you this before, but I'm going to say it again----I am a dork!

I wanted to load the pictures from my vacation onto the computer today so I could play with them and realized that I didn't have my camera. I don't have it and neither does Orange Croc guy. My neighbors have been gone most of the day, but as soon as I find them I'll be asking if they somehow picked up my camera instead of theirs. I called the hotel and of course no camera was found or turned in.

I'm so sad! I don't care about the camera, (I want a new one anyway) but I had so many pictures! I want the pictures!

So, please, keep your fingers crossed in hopes that my camea somehow turns up!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I'm home!

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I'm home and I'm glad. I love traveling, but it's always great to get home again! Of course, we got in this morning as south Florida was getting the rain from Bonnie so my little street was flooded again. Thank goodness that has passed over us! These storms aren't supposed to come here until after school starts so I can get a day off. LOL!

As soon as I dig the camera out I'll share some of the photos with you. We spent time in Arizona and at the Grand Canyon. Beautiful!

I've spent most of the day doing the laundry and catching up on emails. If you're waiting to hear from me and haven't...I promise I'll get to you soon. I was going to order my welcome home fajitas tonight, but I was too tired to even do that. Can you believe it?!?!? I'm not worried though cause it gives me something to look forward to tomorrow. LOL!

I'm going to watch some of Big Brother now before I go to sleep. Enjoy your day!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Like A Monkey Brag Book Page Freebie

I've got a freebie for you on the Stars of Ellay CT Blog. I used the Like A Monkey kit to make 4, yes 4, brag book pages for you. They will only be available for one week, so click on the preview to get them.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Like A Monkey by Scraps of Ellay

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Scraps of Ellay is releasing another totally cute kit today called Like A Monkey. Look at this fun preview...

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Here are a couple of layouts I made using the kit...

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Visit Ellay's Blog for more layout inspiration and go to the Scraps of Ellay Store to pick up this wonderful kit!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


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I'm going out of town for a few days. I've prepublished wordart for you so hopefully everything will work. I will have internet access, but no guarantees on how often I'll use it. LOL!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Butterflies Are Free Quickpage Freebie!

I just posted an awesome QP freebie for you on the Stars of Ellay CT Blog. I made it with the newly revamped Butterflies Are Free Kit. The QP will only be available for one week. Just click on the preview below to visit the CT blog and pick it up.

While you're there why not become a Stars of Ellay CT Blog follower? It's the best place to learn about all the new Scraps of Ellay kit releases, fun challenges and freebies.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Puzzled Quickpages Link

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I've gotten a couple of emails saying that the link for the Puzzled quick pages isn't working. I'm not sure what the problem is, but it seems to be working now. Just let me know if you still have trouble. SORRY!

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Rainy Days

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Well, my neighbor and I were planning on going to the movies today, but it was raining so we stayed. I was making fun of her and told her to pull out her wii walking game since she bought it for rainy days. She did. I have to admit it was a little addicting. I would have preferred the walk to the movie theater and back, but this wasn't such a bad backup plan.

The only complaint I can make is that you have to earn points to unlock new songs and since she hasn't had it long there aren't a lot of songs that have been unlocked. We had to turn the game off before it played Vacation by The Go Gos one more time. LOL!

So far, I'm keeping my lost bet promise and haven't had any chocolate since just before midnight Monday night/Tuesday morning. Last night I couldn't sleep because I could hear the mini Snickers bars in the kitchen laughing at me. They can laugh all they want now...In 12 days they're mine! LOL!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

FlowerScraps is having a party!!!

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FlowerScraps is throwing a big party to celebrate her blog-aversary and we're all invited! How cool is that?!?! The best part of this party is that it's going to last for the rest of the month! Check out some of the fun things she has in store for us...

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For starters you're going to find some cute wordart on FlowerScraps' Blog and there may be some CT members offering up some quickpages. I've got two for you at the bottom of this post!

If you aren't already following FlowerScraps on twitter and/or if you aren't her facebook fan this is the perfect time to start! She'll be giving out coupons to her store and only her followers/fans with be able to get them.

Who doesn't love a scavenger hunt?!?! This one will be the best because we'll be looking for puzzle pieces that will help us earn the fun new kit called Puzzled. Check out the kit...

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There's also a 20% off sale on everything in the FlowerScraps Stuff to Scrap store! How awesome is that?!?!

After you've checked out the sale and picked up some new FlowerScraps kits make sure you put together some layouts and post them in the FlowerScraps gallery because everyday one lucky random layout will win the owner a FlowerScraps coupon.

Now, tell me, do you want to miss this party? LOL! I didn't think so!

I used the new Puzzled kit that we have a chance to win during the scavenger hunt to make a couple layout that I want to share with you. Take a look...

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I didn't want to miss out on the party, so I've turned these layouts into QPs for you. Just click on the preview below to go to 4shared to download.

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Enjoy the party!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oh man, I'm in trouble!

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Earlier today I lost a bet and because someone (and by someone I mean me) was just a little over confident I'll be paying for it for the next two weeks.

I won't tell you what the bet was because you'll just laugh at me and say that I deserved to lose. LOL! Anyway, if I had won I would be sitting pretty for the next two weeks, but since I didn't I can't eat anything chocolate for the next two weeks.

Now, everyone knows that chocolate is very important to me. I honestly believe that chocolate makes everything better!

Had your heart broken---eat some chocolate
Have a headache---eat some chocolate
Feeling bored---eat some chocolate
Having a bad day---eat some chocolate
Having a good day---eat some chocolate
Etc, etc, etc...

After I lost, I tried to clarify exactly what no chocolate meant---Are we talking chocolate candy? Chocolate cake? Chocolate milk? Chocolate ice cream? Well, I got an answer---ABSOLUTELY NO CHOCOLATE AT ALL!

Since, I had already eaten a mini pack of M&Ms during the execution of the bet (LOL) my punishment won't be over until July 27th. It's going to be hard, but I will survive! Mainly because I'm not going to give my friends the pleasure of saying that I couldn't make it.

Now, I just need to clarify if this bet is still counts when I'm not in Miami because I'll be leaving town two different times before the two weeks are up. LOL!

If I make blog posts that are completely non-understandable during this time, don't worry---it's just the withdrawals. LOL!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Butterflies Are Free Revamped!

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Scraps of Ellay has revamped one of my favorite kits---Butterflies Are Free. It's such a fun kit and it is huge! There are 17 papers, 69 elements and 2 full alphas! I know that some of the other CT members have had some fun scrapping family pictures from the 70s so make sure you check out Ellay's blog for some awesome layout inspiration.

You can click on the kit preview to go to the Scraps of Ellay store at Stuff to Scrap.


Here are two layouts I made with the kit. These were both make for challenges at Stuff to Scrap.



This layout is of my little friend Vincent who has no problem taking your drink if you set it down. Here he is after he got hold of his Grandfather's coffee. LOL!


I used a template from the Karly's Dollies Template set for Vincent's layout. The templates are also available in the Scraps of Ellay store.


On Friday, I'll be posting a Butterflies Are Free QP freebie on the Stars of Ellay CT Blog so make sure you pick that up too!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

There should be a law....

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Was there a comedian whose tag line was "There should be a law?"

Today my neighbor came over to show me her latest wii workout game. It's one where you pretend you're walking on an island while it tracks how many steps you've taken and how many calories you've burned. While you're walking you earn points that you can use to "unlock" things like park benches, street lights and palm trees to "decorate" your island.

Well, here's how part of that conversation went...

Me: You realize we live on Miami Beach, right?
Her: Yes.
Me: (taking her hand and walking her to the window) What do you see out there?
Her: What are you talking about?
Me: That's water and that flat gray stuff by it is called a sidewalk and people WALK on it. Now, if you don't want to walk by the bay, you can go eleven blocks in that direction (pointing behind us) or ten blocks in that direction (pointing beside us) and you're at the Atlantic Ocean. You can use the sidewalk or the boardwalk or even walk in the sand.'ll see lots of hot young guys with their shirts off!
Her: (laughing) Quit making fun of me! I can use this when it rains or when it's just too hot to go outside.

I had to admit that she had a point about the rain and the heat in the summer and she had to admit that I had a point about the hot guys with their shirts off. I still say there should be a!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Sick Days?

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Earlier today one of my friends caught up with me and asked if I wanted to go to lunch. Well, of course I did! LOL! We walked down to the 8oz Burger Bar and of course ordered burgers. YUMMY!
After we got there my friend asked if I have ever called into work sick just because I didn't feel like going. Well, I pointed out that of course I had because everyone knows I hate wasting sick days being sick. He said that he had done it three times this week. I had to laugh when I pointed out that today was Thursday and that Monday had been a holiday. He asked me what my point was. LOL!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Back to normal

OK, things around here are back to normal. I'm over my bout of sadness and self-pity, What If Guy has gone home, Orange Croc Guy has gone back to trying to reclaim the high score on his wii games and Dwyane Wade is staying with the Miami Heat.

This morning I made pancakes all by myself. LOL! I bought the mix in the yellow container that you add water to and shake. Mine weren't like the ones you get at the Waffle House. Mine were crunchy. Have you ever had crunchy pancakes? They were....uummm....interesting. Gross, but interesting. LOL!

Tonight I was on my own for dinner, so I ended the 27 day dry spell and ordered fajitas! And, yes, I have been counting the days since I last saw the cute delivery guy. Other delivery guys visit me on a regular basis, but it just isn't the same. LOL!

The cute delivery guy didn't pose himself in a cheesy way this time, but his smile was just as big. When he didn't hear any comments from the peanut gallery the cute delivery guy asked if I was by myself. I very quickly let him know that I had kicked my friends out so I could have some peace and quiet. He laughed. Apparently, he still remembers what happened the last time we ordered fajitas. LOL!

I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thursday Speed Scrap at STS!

This Little Missy is hosting a Speed Scrap Thursday in the Stuff to Scrap forum. Come on over to the forum or chat and receive a free template pack for playing along! Hope to see you there!

(images linked)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Designer Call at Stuff to Scrap

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Are you a designer looking for a new or additional place to sell your goodies? Check out the flyer below! Stuff to Scrap is an amazing place!

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Eileen's Kit by FlowerScraps

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FlowerScraps is releasing the cutest kit today called Eileen. It's based on her oldest daughter's favorite color. This is a beautiful super girly kit. Take a look at the preview...

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The first layout I made was inspired by my friend Lisa on a day that she was not happy with her hair. LOL!

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This second layout has pictures of one of my high school volunteers. Pink is so not her favorite color, but she's a pretty girl and I wanted to make a layout for her.

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Head over to FlowerScraps Blog for more layout inspiration then visit the FlowerScraps store at Stuff to Scrap to pick up this wonderful kit.