Friday, July 30, 2010

Why, Big Brother, Why?!?!

Download wordart here

Please, someone tell me why Rachel won HOH on Big Brother tonight! I can't stand the sound of her voice and now we all have to watch another week of her and Brendon making out in the HOH room. GROSS!!!!


  1. Thanks for these inspiring words, Ginger.

    Did the guys get any lobster? Did you order fajitas while the guys were out trying to get lobster? lol

  2. I totally agree with 100% about Rachel her voice is terrible and the laugh makes me nausious.. GO
    HOME already..

  3. Th♥nks so much for sharing your wonderful work with us!

  4. Great word art! Thank you. As for Big Brother, I've never watched it. :o)

  5. Gee, I better stop looking or I will down load tons in one day, LOL. Thank you for all this wonderful word ar
