Saturday, August 7, 2010


Download wordart here

So, earlier today my neighbor comes running over all excited to tell me about how she had unlocked the lighthouse on that stupid walking game she bought. I love lighthouses and she thought I would be all excited too. I wasn't!

Her: Don't you want to come see it?
Me: No
Her: But why, you love lighthouses!
Me: Oh honey, that's not a real lighthouse.
Her: Yes it is...come look!
Me: You really want me to put down these wonderful chips I'm eating, stop watching this show
that I recorded last night and come with you so you can show me a fake lighthouse on a
fake island?
Her: uh...yesssss!
Me: Not going to happen
Her: Please!
Me: Is the cute fajita delivery guy waiting for me at the top of this fake lighthouse?
Her: Get over the delivery guy already....he's gone!
Me: Now, you're just being mean for no reason.
Her: You really aren't going to come look are you?
Me: Nope
Her: (giving up and plooping down on the couch) Pass the potato chips.



  1. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [07 Aug 11:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  2. Thanks bunches for the wonderful word art

  3. This is a fantastic word art saying. Thank you so very much!

  4. Beautiful and so true. Thank you. And thanks for the good laugh. :)

  5. Now that's a crack up of a story. It would be me wanting someone to come check out my new level! LOL Thanks for the word art.
