Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Confession time

Download wordart here ***Link is fixed***

Ok, the confession isn't what I did as much as it is that this isn't the first time I've done something like this. LOL!

I was leaving school early today to get to my doctor's appointment and the sub was late. Not that big of a deal really since my class was at lunch when I was scheduled to leave. I hung around for a few minutes, got their Zero the Hero snack put out and planted the note that Zero was leaving for the class.

Still no sub and I needed to leave. I gathered my things and went to the office in my building. I asked if I should call the main office to let them know that I needed to leave and the sub wasn't there. I was told not to worry about it, to just go and they would take care of it.

I get to the hospital at exactly 12:15. I'm checking in with the receptionist and she looked very confused. I started to feel uncomfortable and said, "I'm sorry if I'm late." She asked if I would give her a minute as she kept looking for something on the computer. Finally, she starts laughing and tells me I'm not late because my appointment wasn't until 2:15. lol! I was two hours early!

They fit me in so that I wouldn't have to leave and come back. I was really glad they did that because I didn't want to pay the extra $5 for parking that going back a second time would have required.

Yep, just another day in my life!


  1. Had to laugh as I did a similar thing TWICE last month.
    First occasion was when my daughter and I turned up for hairdressing appointments one Saturday afternoon ... saw the receptionist's panic stricken face when we walked in ... she smiled awkwardly and disappeared through to the basin area to consult with the stylists we were booked with ... then more awkward moments while they all searched the diary ... followed by relief (for them) and embarrassment (for me) when we discovered we were a week early! My teenage daughter was not impressed.
    Went to a dentist appointment the following Monday ... gave my name (as you do) ... saw the look of confusion wash over the receptionist's face as she scrolled her mouse ... then blushed furiously when she announced I was a day early LOL!
    Best thing is I write things on the calender and check daily and STILL get it wrong!

    Max's Craft Creations
    Bah! Humbug! Challenges DT

  2. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Sep. 22, 2010. Thanks again.

  3. Your work is brilliant ... thank you soo much for sharing it - I have been very cheeky and taken 8 thank you again xx

  4. I am so grateful I'm not the only one who shows up way early for appointments! Well at least the day early ones. *sigh* Thanks for the great word art.

  5. Thank you again for all your word arts, I love them, unfortunately, I can't download this. It takes me to the main Mediafire page. Thanks.

  6. What a wonderful sentiment. Thank you so very much.

  7. Better early than late. :) Can you explain what Zero the Hero is, please? Thanks for the terrific word art.

  8. Thank you for your sweet comment and your prayers, Ginger. I sure appreciate both. I saw the surgeon and have neck surgeries scheduled for Sept. 30th and Oct. 7th. I'm a bit nervous about two surgeries so close together, but trust the end results will be worth it.
