Friday, October 8, 2010

Can you get arrested for looking?

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So, a couple of weeks ago I went into the teacher's class next to mine and pitched a fit.

Me: Why do you have the cute daddy?
Her: What?
Me: The cute daddy that walks up to get his child. I think it's a girl.
Her: I don't know who you're talking about. You'll have to point him out to me.
Me: If you need to have the cute daddy pointed out to you, you aren't worthy and his child will be transferred to my class first thing tomorrow.
Her: Is he tall?
Me: No, but he's taller than I am.
Her: That's the problem. I don't notice men unless they're tall.
Me: haha! Just another advantage of being my height!

Several days go by before I see him again. I see him, get my friends attention and give the "cute daddy" signal. She looks, smiles and gives me a thumbs up. I take this as a sign that she agrees with me --- he's cute!

Yesterday, we're out at dismissal and I tell her that I haven't seen my cute daddy in a while.
She informs me that it's because he's not the daddy---he's the big brother. lol!

I told her to find out how old he was so I would know how long I'd be in jail.

She seems to think that he's a college freshman so I'll probably be going away for a long, long time. lol!


  1. Oh my, thank you so much for the seriously big grin you just put on my face!! Don't know which I love more, your stories or your word art!!

    THanks for sharing

  2. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 12 post on Oct. 08, 2010. Thanks again.

  3. rofl!! LOVe the story! The WA is perfect. I'm 62 and still haven't found him!! sniff sniff Thank you!!!

  4. Oh My Giddy Aunt! You are sooooo funny. Had to laugh out loud and will probably be smiling all day now. Cheers for that =)

    Max's Craft Creations
    Bah! Humbug! Challenges DT

  5. Thanks for word art! Your stories are always a crack up!

  6. Thanks for the word art and the wonderful belly laugh!
