Monday, October 18, 2010

Round Midnight by Flower Scraps

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FlowerScraps is releasing an awesome kit today called Round Midnight. This kit is perfect for scrapping pictures of your adult Halloween/October pictures. Check out the preview...

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I've used the kit for two layouts so far and neither has a Halloween theme. So you can see how versatile the kit is.

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You can buy the kit in the FlowerScraps store at Stuff to Scrap.

Make sure you check out FlowerScraps Blog for more layout inspiration. You may even find a little goodie waiting for you there.


  1. Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list

  2. Thank you for all the freebies today. I really enjoy getting them almost every day.

  3. Ha ha, love it. After raising 2 boys I certainly can attest to it's accuracy, lol
