Friday, November 26, 2010

The Day Ginger Snapped part 2

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After that super long post last week I thought I would give you a shorter one this week. Plus, if you're like me, you're too strung out on turkey to concentrate on a longer post. lol!

Encouragement. That's what I need. Encouragement with a little
salt around the rim. Airport I come!

"Excuse me, could I get a..."

"I believe the lady would like a Margarita and I'll take a Seven &

Wow! This guy is good looking. That hair. That smile. That voice.

"My name is Alden Cassidy and it would be an honor if you would let me buy you a drink."'t fall off the bar stool

"I'm Ginger. How did you know what I wanted to drink?"

"I was sitting behind you on the plane."

Die...die now

"I'm sorry about that"

Laughter.....nice laughter.....beautiful dancing blue eyes

"Don't be sorry. It was the most entertaining plane ride I've ever
had and since I travel a great deal that's saying a lot."


"I'm glad I was able to entertain you. Live it up! Enjoy the laugh at
my expense!"

"No, you don't understand. I think what you're doing is very brave. I
like the way you're taking control of your life. I could never do what
you're doing."

He touched my arm...he touched my arm...he touched my arm

"Oh, I'm sorry...I thought..."

"Let me guess. You thought I was just another loser, right?"

"No! You're not a loser. You're beautiful."

Laughter...foot in mouth...die...die again

"Thank you. I would prefer handsome, but beautiful will do."

"So, do you make a habit of buying drinks for crazy women or am I
just some kind of experiment?"

"Actually, I wanted to meet you."


"I'm a writer and I was wondering if you would be interested in
letting me do a story about you."


"I think a lot of people would get a kick out of your story and what
you're doing."

How many times can a person die in one day?

"No,thank you, but I'm already embarrassed enough."

Standing now...his hand on my arm...beautiful, dancing blue
eyes...can I jump into them and swim a few laps?

"Here, please, at least take my card. If you change your mind...if
you would like to talk...if you would like another Margarita...anything,
Call me."

Take me...take me right here...right now


Walking away now...walking away from a beautiful, blue eyed
man who is willing to buy me Margaritas and listen to my sad life
stories...I think I love him


  1. Don't you dare stop sharing this story - giggle - it is so fun - love how she thinks.
    I mentioned last comment that I'd just found your blog - well, I spent today reading ALL of this year - you are an absolute kick. I think I missed out on a delightful career - teaching children must be amazing. You really should write a book about all their little sayings. I have totally enjoyed every story. Thanks so much - Oh - and you do great word art too.

  2. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Nov. 26, 2010. Thanks again.

  3. Yes, please keep writing. I am really enjoying the story so far!

  4. love love LOVE this installment, cant wait for the next :)

  5. Great...can't wait for the next piece!

  6. Th♥nks for sharing your work and H♥ppy Holidays to you and your family!

  7. Awesome Ginger, but we need more next time. :)

  8. OK, this is getting better and better even backwards which to me is the best test of a great story, That you want to read the beginning even if you know the ending.

  9. More, More, More! Catching up now!
