Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What have I done now?!?!

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Did you know that November is National Novel Writing Month? Well it is and I've signed up to write a 50,000 word novel by midnight on November 30th. That's roughly 1,667 words a day and so far I have.....well, lets just say I'm behind. lol!

I'm not really sure why I've signed up for this. I'm already really, really busy and I've just started my month long celebration of me. lol! There are no prizes or awards for completing the task other than bragging rights.

If you were to ever meet my mom---which you never will, because you know too much---she would tell you that when I was younger she always thought I would be a writer someday. So, maybe I'm trying to finally live up to her expectations. When I'm a little old lady and someone asks, "What did you do with your life?" I can answer, "I once wrote a novel. It was really bad and no one ever read it but me, but hey, I still wrote a novel." lol!

Of course, I could also just be trying to avoid looking for that resort pass that I still haven't located. I really need to find it too! Not only to keep from paying the $50 replacement fee, but because yesterday there was a security guard on the back gate that was immune to my charms. I'm not really sure what his problem was, but he wasn't as quick to open the gate after seeing my smile and poor me head tilt as the other guys are.

Now, I've got to get some sleep because I've got a long day of working and novel writing ahead of me. lol!


  1. Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list

  2. When you are older and some old lady asks what you did with your can say...I launched hundreds of children on a journey to learning in a positive, creative, caring way.

  3. I am hoping you will post some tidbits from your novel on this blog. I would love to read them. Good Luck

  4. Th♥nk you for sharing with us.

  5. NoNaNoWMo for me (or however you abbreviate it!). So not my style! But your word art is! LOL

  6. Thank you for this darling little sentiment.
