Sunday, February 14, 2010

Luggage Tag Blog Train

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Scraps of Ellay and The Scrappy Kat have teamed up to make an awesome kit called Dude. You can find the kits in their stores at Stuff to Scrap. Look at these previews...

Here is what Ellay's kit looks like
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And this is Kat's kit
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I had fun making some layouts with this kit! Take a look...

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We've got an awesome luggage tag blog train for you and all the tags were made with this kit. You can download the tags I made here
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Now, you need to visit the rest of the blogs to get even more luggage tags! Here are the stops for the Scraps of Ellay CT...









After you've visited all of our blogs, make sure you visit The Scrappy Kat to get the stops for her CT members. If someone doesn't have their tags posted yet, just visit them later.

Have fun downloading all your goodies!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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Today we get part two of the Love Ya kit by Shel Belle Scraps.

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Are you loving this kit as much as I am? Make sure you visit Shel's blog before the week is over, because once part three goes up part two comes down.

Here's another layout I made and will be giving away as a QP in a couple of weeks.

We celebrated Valentine's Day at school on Friday and it was fun. One of my students came to class with an open bag of potato chips and potato chip crumbles all around her mouth. She told me the potato chips were for our party, but that she had no idea how the bag got opened. LOL!

If you want to give yourself a Valentine's Day present you should check out the sale at Stuff to Scrap!
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Today, I'll be spending time with Orange Croc Guy. Should be fun! But, now I'm going to get some sleep. Enjoy your day!