Friday, October 8, 2010

Can you get arrested for looking?

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So, a couple of weeks ago I went into the teacher's class next to mine and pitched a fit.

Me: Why do you have the cute daddy?
Her: What?
Me: The cute daddy that walks up to get his child. I think it's a girl.
Her: I don't know who you're talking about. You'll have to point him out to me.
Me: If you need to have the cute daddy pointed out to you, you aren't worthy and his child will be transferred to my class first thing tomorrow.
Her: Is he tall?
Me: No, but he's taller than I am.
Her: That's the problem. I don't notice men unless they're tall.
Me: haha! Just another advantage of being my height!

Several days go by before I see him again. I see him, get my friends attention and give the "cute daddy" signal. She looks, smiles and gives me a thumbs up. I take this as a sign that she agrees with me --- he's cute!

Yesterday, we're out at dismissal and I tell her that I haven't seen my cute daddy in a while.
She informs me that it's because he's not the daddy---he's the big brother. lol!

I told her to find out how old he was so I would know how long I'd be in jail.

She seems to think that he's a college freshman so I'll probably be going away for a long, long time. lol!