Monday, January 24, 2011

Brag Book page freebie!

Download wordart here

Make sure you head over to April's Blog to pick up this week's Monday Freebie. I made a brag book page using her Birthday Boy kit.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


  1. Thank you for this gorgeous sentiment.
    Hugs Nataliya.

  2. Hi Ginger

    If you still want to take part in the Pay It Forward game that I have on my blog can you please email me your address to: so that I can send you a little something :) Remember that you in turn have to do the same honey.......just copy, paste and tweak my posting for your blog if it helps! I have so few visitors that I still need one other to make up my three............obscurity is soooooooo sad :(( Di x

  3. Thank you for the word art. Granddaughters are always super cute but sometimes it just need to be written.

  4. Thsnk you! I love this sentiment. Made me think of my grandson and his precious smile.
