Saturday, February 5, 2011

What would you do?

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I'm not purposely trying to be cryptic, but I want some advice and I can't give you all the details because I need to protect the innocent. lol!

I have something that I'm working on and there are people who depend on me to hold up my part of the bargain. I'm doing the best I can do, but it's kind of a thankless chore and most of the time I feel like I'm just wasting my time.

Sometimes I'm happy with how things are going other times it feels like I have nothing more to offer and they aren't interested in or happy with my contribution anyway. I tell myself that what I'm doing is for a good cause then I think about the hours it takes me away from my real life, my blog, my friends, scrapping, crafts and even the cute fajita delivery guy and I tell myself that the rewards aren't worth the sacrifice.

So here's my question, if I'm not happy and I have reason to believe that the other people aren't happy (They say they are, but this is a case of actions speaking louder than words.) do I still need to continue? Do I continue to show up when no one really cares if I'm there or not? Do I continue to show up when I don't feel like I have anything to bring to the table?

What would you do?


  1. I'd take some time to think it over very carefully, so that it isn't a snap decision. Then if you still feel this way, I'd say it's time for a change.

    Thank you for the uplifting word art.

  2. think you need to have a hard think about this one and list the pros and cons and at the end of the day if you are not happy why are you doing it? maybe the others are thinking the same but done want to be the first? hope you get it resolved.x

  3. I think the best 'advice' I can give you is to follow your heart! You have to think about yourself first, even though what you do is for a good or even great cause. In the end, it's YOU that counts most, not what others feel or think...

    Good luck deciding what to do.

    Big hugs XOXO
    PS: thanks for a fab piece of word art!

  4. Sometimes you just need a break! Do what your heart tells you. You have to be happy too!!

  5. If you have given it your all but your heart isn't in it, then perhaps it is time to end the project.

    I tend to go to the bitter end because I am not going to give up. However, the times I do 'quit' I have found myself to be much happier and enjoying other projects much more.

  6. Hi I had a similiar dilemma, and for me it boiled down "Can I make a difference?" if the answer was no (which it was) I left x Leigh x

  7. I think you already know the

    thanks again for all you do :0)

  8. What a tough decision! Try making a list of pros and cons. When you see it on paper you will know. As already said---YOU have to be happy so trust your heart. Good luck :) Thanks for your terrific work art.

  9. I have to agree with most of the above..... especially "I think you already know the answer".
    Babe, you know I'm all for charity and giving til it hurts, but remember, "charity begins at home". You have to take care of yourself and if you're already feeling like, perhaps, the quality of your gift is not 100%, then you step back and let someone else have the opportunity to GIVE. Whatever gift that is, you'll be happier, they'll be happier, everyone will be doing what God intended them to do.
    Love you! Hope this helps.
    Know that, to us, your gift (WA) is awesome!!!
