Tuesday, March 29, 2011

And it wasn't even a long weekend!

Download wordart here

Well, it was Monday....and it wasn't the Monday after a long weekend, but we still have no air conditioning at school and the local yocals still spray painted the outside of several buildings on campus sometime between Friday and this morning. Don't you just love Mondays! NOT!!!

Let me tell you, I didn't get enough sleep or wear enough antiperspirant for this day. lol!

Oh, and to make things even better there were a couple of lizards hanging out by one of the windows in my class. It didn't take long for one of the kids to announce to everyone, "Those lizards are on top of each other. I think they're fighting."

Yeah...fighting....that's it.

I went over and played with the shutters to get them to stop...umm...fighting.

I'm such a good teacher.


  1. LOL!! Don't you just love those kiddos?! ;)
    Brilliant word art again sweetie, thanks! I can totally relate to it....


  2. Thank you so much for the beautiful sentiments. with hugs Shirleyxx

  3. So true! Thank you for making this one!

  4. Love the comment...fighting. Teachers are always quick thinkers! Hope your week is better. I will send you some snow??

  5. Living on a farm, our children soon learned that wasn't fighting! :)

    Thank you for the sentiment. Unfortunately, this is way too true.
