Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Get your copy, now!

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OK people, no more waiting for Friday to read the unedited version of The Day Ginger Snapped! Now you can purchase your very own copy!

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Aren't you excited?!?!

One of the prizes for completing NaNoWriMo is getting a free proof copy of your novel. Well, that prize was about to expire so I had to order it or never see my work in book form. By the time you go through everything you need to do in order to get your proof copy, it's ready to sell to anyone and everyone. So, I figured, why not?! Let's see if someone, besides my mother, orders a copy. lol!

There are a few changes in the book form and the version you've been reading. Plus, OCG read and edited it for me. (He got a big kick out of the character I named after him.)

Don't you want your own copy? Don't you want to buy a book and help a poor school teacher who won't see another paycheck until the end of August?

Happy Reading!


  1. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [15 Jun 12:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  2. OMG!!!!!!!! I want to buy a copy of your book!! That is sooooo cool!!!! Way to go there!!!! This is sooo exciting!!! Is there a time limit we have to purchase one??? I have to wait till next pay day week of 23rd of June to be able to order one. Congratulations! I am soo happy for you!!!
    Hugs, Heidi Brawley

  3. Oh Ginger! OMG!!!! I love Gingers's story and I love your word art (constantly using it on my cards with a link back to you) Wow wow wow congrats on the book - Still can not believe it!!! I always visit you once a week to get my 'Ginger' fix and snag your freebies but to be able to read all of Ginger's story in one hit! I can not resist! Thank goodness payday is Thursday and I am getting that BOOK! Really well done and congratulations! You must be over the moon!
