Saturday, June 25, 2011

I need your help!

Download wordart here

NaNoWriMo is sponsoring a summer bootcamp version of the November novel writing contest and I just have to try and do this again!

The story idea I have rolling through my mind now isn't a happy one though, so my final project will probably be very different from The Day Ginger Snapped.

Kind of crazy, huh? You would think that I would have a happy light idea since it's summer and I'm not nearly as busy as I am in November.

Anyway, here's how I need your help....for the last project I used my name and the names of my friends for the characters. Now, I would like for you to give me some names for characters. I'll need guy names as well as girl names.

First names...last names...both...nicknames...names for nice characters and names for not so nice characters...your name...the name of someone you know...a funny name or just a name you like.

I can't start writing until July 1, but I can start getting my characters and ideas in order.

You can leave name suggestions here in the comment area or you can email them to me.

Thanks for the help!


  1. Thank you so much for the fabulous freebies. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  2. I love your name since it is mine too! Here are some other names...Jean, Gene, Robert, Pat, Mary, January, Harmony, Travis, Tobie, Noah

  3. I forgot to thank you for the great freebie!

  4. Just love your blog..Your first story was fabulous! Some names?? Newer names of friend's children: Anniston, Addison, Leo, Chase,Norman Grayson, Clara, Madelyn,George, Margaret, Harvey,Brooke,Adelyn, Mortimer, Kathryn, Marcia, and of course my name: Barbara
    Can't wait to read your next work of art. Enjoy your summer vacation. Sorry to hear about Croc Guy losing his mom. Hope your being there with him helped ease his sorrow.
