Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bad Netflix, bad, bad Netflix!!!

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So, I'm already unhappy with the price increase that Netflix surprised us all with. Especially since I usually do the streaming movies and the disk. Streaming movies are usually for when I'm watching a movie alone and the disk are usually the ones I watch with OCG and/or our friends.

Well, a disk arrived in the mail today that was broken and who ever had it before me had written on the white disk sleeve that the disk was broken when they received it. Why didn't someone at Netflix notice this?

I called Netflix told them about the disk and the note that was written on the sleeve. Guess what the girl on the phone said? "Oh well." Seriously, that's what she said, "Oh well." Then she went on to tell me that as soon as I sent the broken one back in they could either send a replacement for it or send the next one in my queue----which ever I preferred.

Well, I would prefer that you not send me broken disks! Especially since it is clearly marked "broken" and if you do send me broken disks I would prefer that you say you're sorry and that it was an accident instead of saying "Oh well"!


  1. Thanks for the saying! I dropped the disk part of Netflix because I had a few problems with disks.

  2. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Aug. 06, 2011. Thanks again.

  3. Love the word art...I have to say that I have had Netflix for some time, and my ost actually is going down in price, but then I do the DVD's and in the last several years have had very few problems...I handle everything over the internet and if they make a mistake, I often have a replacement with in a day or 2...It turned out that they were a lot better than Blockbuster as far s cost went...the only better deal in town is the $1 kiosk that have popped up and lot of times you still can not get a video you want when you want well as Blockbuster has jumped to $2.99 for a new release...Just my opinion...
