Thursday, August 4, 2011

tell me I'm not the only one!

Download wordart here

I love my blog hopping time and get really excited when I see someone has posted a card or layout using one of my freebies. But,lately, I've had a really hard time posting comments on some of the blogs I visit.

I put in my google password and then it just keeps telling me to put it in over and over again. It's frustrating!

I hope I'm not the only one experiencing this problem, but I guess if you're having it to you won't be able to leave a message telling me. So, I'll never really know will I?


  1. I was never able to do a cartwheels, but I guess I was doing them all wrong. It is my heart that was suppose to be doing the cartwheels. I wonder if my elementary PE teacher is still alive. LOL Thank you!!

  2. Thank you for another wonderful word-art.

  3. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Aug. 04, 2011. Thanks again.

  4. lol! Thanks! Yes I have had problems leaving comments too! Make sure you don't have the little box checked to remember you. I found out when unchecking the box and putting all my info in it then worked! not sure why but oh well!
    Have a GREAT day!!!

  5. Ginger thank you for all the wonderful digi's , I am on your e-mail list and look forward to it every day. I like you have trouble signing in and frustrates me.
    Thank you again for your awesome digi's hugs Cathy

  6. Do what Heidi says. I too was having problems for the longest and saw on someone else's blog to try that and I swear I haven't had any problems since. Good luck. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Thanks to all of you for your tips! Hopefully this will work as well. Ginger, I love your wordart, and I love your blog!

  8. I'm having the same problem with trying to comment with Google! Never thought to try to log out. Seriously.
