Sunday, September 11, 2011

Are you one of my blog followers?

Download wordart here

September 19 will be my three year blog-o-versary and I've got another $5 Stuff to Scrap gift certificate to give away on that day.

All you have to do is become one of my blog followers for your chance to win!


  1. I am a follower and just want to say "WOWZERS, Way to go on 3 years girl"!!!

  2. I'm a follower and have enjoyed every blog I've read. Not only is your word art wonderful, but your story was fun also. Thanks for the entertainment!

  3. I'm a follower. :) Congratulations on your blogoversary!!!

  4. I am a follower!! Congrats on your 3 year anniversary. Love your stories and word art too.

  5. just wanted to give u a great big thanks for all of the awesome sentiments that you share with us. this is the 1st time i've ever been able to leave a comment....some sweet angel left instructions for the "fix" over on Free Digital Stamps blog. i LOVE your blog...and thanks again for all of the great digis you share.
