Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Help me!!!!!

Download wordart here

***Come back tomorrow for the "we" version of this wordart!***


I need cheer. I need encouragement. I need a vacation. I need tequila. HELP!!!


  1. Me too! But the working day has just begun ...

  2. Ginger, snagged two. Thank you and hoping Wed is better.

  3. I would like to encourage you to keep on, keepin' on! I am sure you are a wonderful teacher and you keep us going with your awesome sentiments. Today's will be perfect for my grandson's scrapbook.....he is just so darn cute!! Thanks for all you do to make our days bright!

  4. Ginger - this is fantastic! It would probably look adorable on a little girl's t-shirt too. Thanks for sharing!

    -pamela :)

  5. Hang in there! Thanks for the awesome word art!

  6. Let's get together for a little tequila & lime. LOL This is really cute. Thanks.

  7. Thanks for the CUTE word art! Hugs

  8. I can certainly give you Thanks (for the wonderful freebies that you so generously share with us every day!!) & I can try to encourage you by telling you how much I look forward to opening my email from you each day...but, I can't give you my tequila!!! Ok, Ok, maybe I can share it with you...couple of margaritas comin' right up!!!

  9. Thanks for all you do and sharing a piece of you with us! Your blog is one of my very favorites! Remember we love you!!

  10. Just keep remembering Christmas break is soon!!
    Thanks for all the lovely word art you share with us.

  11. This word art is perfect for nearly Two-year-old Granddaughter. Grin Thanks

  12. Thanks for keeping us supplied with great word art! You rock!! -Barb

  13. Thanks for keeping us supplied with great word art! You rock!! -Barb

  14. Keep your chin up. I know the little ones are so excited and you are such an important part of their life. Thank goodness they have a caring teacher like you. I enjoy your blog, your word art and especially your stories about the kids and the excerpts from your latest book. You brighten so many lives each day!! Hope Thursday is a great day for you. Hugs

  15. It's all superman's fault!

    Seriously though, you brighten the day for many. Your students are fortunate to have you and we are blessed by your daily word art. Thank you for taking the time to share with us.

  16. I love this! Thanks so much! It's hard sometimes to find the energy to keep on keeping on - but I hope that you do!
