Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh yeah, I went there!

Download wordart here

The January challenges are up at Stuff to Scrap and I completed my layout for the song lyric challenge. This month you have to use lyrics from the Selena Gomez song "Love You Like A Love Song". You know that stupid song that you don't really like, but can't help singing every time you hear it?

Well, I decided to embrace the song and my newly outed Russell Brand crush. Yeah, I went there...

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I showed my layout to OCG and he was speechless! That's right...it's so awesome that he was speechless....and then he wasn't....

OCG: That's what you did today?

Me: Yep, don't you like it?

OCG: Your last day of vacation and you did that?

Me: I watched some TV too.

He was back to speechless after that!

Yep, it was a good day!

Now, tomorrow...


  1. will download the wordart in morning as I must get to bed. Hope you have a good day back to work. Check out my blog as I did a card with your awesome work. www.dunnitagaindesigns.wordpress.com

  2. You are too funny Ginger. Love the wordart. and very glad to be back. Sending another new kit "Happy New Years" kit. Hope you had a great New years!

  3. Love this might use it for the doorway in our house. lol Thanks so much!!

  4. Great sentiment & I love your layout! :)

  5. Awesome sentiment...think I will post on the library door!

  6. I'd love to make a huge poster of this for our next party, maybe then my cousins children wouldn't be going through our clothes drawers.

  7. There were many days I thought the children and the circus would be an excellent idea! Love the sentiment.

    The layout gets two thumbs up. :)
