Wednesday, February 8, 2012


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AMAZING! Amazing is the word my friends and co-workers have used to describe you guys all day. They are amazed at how you're reaching out and helping with the card drive for Sebastian. Personally, I'm not surprised at all. You see, the secret that I know and they don't is that crafters are the BEST people in the whole world.

I learned that Amy of Tsuruta Designs has offered up a challenge to her blog readers and is offering the chance to win a $25 gift certificate for anyone who sends a card and blog about the card drive. You can find the details here.

Why would she do this? Why would someone who lives on the other side of the country and has never met me or Sebastian go out of their way to help insure he has cards waiting for him on the 15th? Because she is a crafter and crafters are the BEST people in the whole world!

Politicians should become crafters. The world would be a better place!

Amy, I tried to email you but my computer wouldn't let me. It said something about the "default mail client" not being installed and then it laughed at me. (really!) Please send me an email! I have a thank you gift for you and would love to help pay for the gift certificate you're giving away as part of your challenge.

As I find the blog posts you're all making to help spread the word about Sebastian's card dirve I'm printing them out for his mom. She is saving them for Sebastian. Isn't that a wonderful thing to be able to add to a child's scrapbook?!?!

Please, let me know if you've posted on your blog. I don't want to miss anyone. Plus, Orange Croc Guy has kicked in some money to have another gift certificate give away here. If you would like the opportunity to win a $30 gift certificate to Bugaboo Digi Stamps just post about the card drive for Sebastian and leave a link here for me. I'll pick a winner on Sunday.

Sebastian is a big Justin Bieber fan and on Saturday I tweeted the link to my blog post to him. (Yes, my friends are still laughing at me for that one!) I figured I had nothing to lose ~ either he would read it or he wouldn't. I'm guessing he didn't since he hasn't tweeted me back. lol!

If you're on twitter and aren't too embarrassed to tweet Justin, please do. Maybe he'll answer you. lol!

Because I just can't say it enough ~~~ THANK YOU!


Here are blogs I've found that posted about the card drive for Sebastian. Please let me know if I've missed yours or if you know of others I've missed.

1. Tsuruta Designs
2. Paper and Ink Playground
3. Gifts from deeyll
4. Chick n Scrap
5. Lauren's Creative
6. Jen's Craft Corner
7. Daizeefli's Flower Patch
8. My Little Slice of Bliss
9. Do More With Less
10. Homemade Cards by Erin
11. Creepy Glowbugg
12. It's All Rosie
13. Scrapcat Cards by Linda
14. Scrappin Rabbit Designs
15. My Happy Place
16. Sherry Gardner ~ Life is Good
17. Jen Shears Designs
18. From My Bungalow
19. Scrappy Pink Corner
20. Sylvia's Stamp Corner
21. Such Pretty Canvas
22. Arty Scrappy
23. Miller's Ink
24. Fresh Squeezed Designs by Ryann Salamon
25. Creations in Bloom
26. The Bald Dragonfly
27. Button Junkie
28. Yes, Virginia
29. Life with the Tucker and Wolek Clan
30. Cheryl June Girl
31. Paper Daydream
32. Cards Friends and Angels
33. Alice's Little Wonderland
34. Seabrook Designs
35. One Crafty Mama
36. Twin 2u2 Designs
37. ScrapClose2The Heart
38. Just Add Glue To

And Facebook postings that I know of...

1. Shelly
2. Karen Azeka Ladd
3. Susan Pearson
4. Sebastian's Mom


  1. I just found you today and will start working on a card tonight! I also posted a link on my blog, here:

    I also wanted to comment that you write beautifully and I'm glad to hear how well others have responded to your request. :)

  2. I am so excited to be a part of this and hopefully bring a smile to this adorable little boy!
    I have sent a card out to him and I have another one being put in the mail today~this one from my boys.
    I also posted about this again~
    You are truly an Angel!
    Thanks for sharing his story :)

  3. Hello Hello! Okay, my eyes are filled with all sorts of tears right now... Here's the thing, YOU are the amazing one. You are the one that started, what I hope to be, a super ginormous chain reaction of cards:)

    I agree with Queen Lightwell, you do write beautifully. You sharing the story about Sebastian made me want to 'take action'.

    I agree with YOU...crafters are pretty special. It's a great caring community. They are always quick to help out and as you can see, they are linking up their "Cards for Sebastian" and it truly warms my heart.

    Thanks to Orange Croc Guy for helping out and IF I tweeted , which I don't, I'd be sure to tweet Justin:)

    Have a super day! Off to email you.

  4. Heart vs. Brain is SO true! Thanks.

  5. Ginger - you are AMAZING! I found out about Sebastian's story through Amy T.'s post. Thank you so much for writing so eloquently about Sebastian's journey. I'm so glad that he has someone like you helping to look out for him. I whipped up a card for him this morning and posted about it on my blog and my FB page. Hope he is surrounded by lots of cards filled with happy thoughts.

    Thank you again!
    Lauren Brewer

  6. Thank you so much for the fabulous freebie. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  7. Hi! I put your story about that amazing little boy, Sebastion, On Facebook. (I hope that's alright! Tried to email you btw...but wouldn't send?) Cards will be on the way soon! =) Thanks for your great blog!

  8. Somehow I missed this the other day. I am so glad you reposted about it!! I put in on my blog and will work on getting a card done right now. You are awesome and this is such a sweet thing to do! HUGS!!

  9. Thank you so much, Ginger, for sharing Sebastian's story and writing about him--and, really, all folks with differing abilities--so eloquently. You were so sweet to pop by my blog post on the card I made for Sebastian--thanks for your lovely comment!! But I wanted to thank YOU for being a caring, kind, and compassionate teacher, trying to make a big difference for one brave and truly unique little boy. "What's wrong, partner?" Pass the tissue box. This boy is special. I hope that the hospital has to assign a whole second hospital room to Sebastian to make room for the cards he deserves!! Thank you for making the difference in the lives of your students, Ms. Brown!!!

  10. Thank you for organizing this card drive Ginger. You are so right...crafters are the best people in the world. Kudos to my good pal Amy T who's always quick to spread the word on a good cause. I love how many of my blog readers are making a card to send to Sebastian too. :)

  11. I just get the warm and fuzzies... off to stick our cards in the mail, forgive us if they arrive too early, best to do that vs. getting lost in the mess on my craft desk.

  12. God doesn't give you the people you want; He gives you the people you help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be.

    I just read this quote from a friend today- thought it fit- You are a wonderful teacher! Thank you for that! Oh, and I just posted about this on MY blog too-
