Wednesday, April 18, 2012

News on Sebastian

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I thought it might be time to give you guys a little Sebastian update and I promise that it is all good news!

He went after school today for a cast change and it looks like this will be the last cast he'll need as a result of this surgery.

The last cast was really hard for him. They readjusted his foot putting more pressure on it and bent his leg at the knee a little more than before. It was really painful for him and it was painful to watch him dealing with it, but he handled it like a pro.

This new cast will hopefully be easier on him. Mom says it will only be a half cast instead of covering his full leg. He's excited that he'll be walking again soon.

The doctor's have all been pleased with how everything has gone and how quickly he has healed. There's a possibility that he may have another surgery this summer since he's handled this one so well.

I'll get a pic of the new cast tomorrow to share with you.


  1. That's great news! Good way to start my day! :)

  2. Lovely! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Apr. 18, 2012. Thanks again.

  4. Thanks so much for letting us know, so appreciate it!! Hugs to Sebastian.........:))
    lotsa luv

  5. Could you please tell him how proud we all are of him? Thanks! :)

  6. I can't really imagine how day to day Sebastian and his family cope with all this but it's wonderful to hear things are progressing well. Thank you

  7. Thanks for the Sebastian update!!

  8. Did I miss the spiderman cast? I don't remember seeing it.

  9. Thanks for the update on mr. sebastian...he's such the fab little trooper!

  10. So glad to hear Sebastian is doing good! I was wondering if you know how many total cards he ended up getting? I read on someone's blog that it was over 400? Wow, that's fantastic! Just the 100+ you accounted for as of Feb. was a great outpouring of love for him ... 400 would be phenomenal! :)

  11. Thanks for the wonderful word art! I'm glad to hear SEbastian is alright :)
