Sunday, April 1, 2012

Such a fun day!

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**Yes, you got this same quote not too long ago, but I was asked to remake it using a different font. So, here it is. lol!**

Today was a much needed fun day! My photography class went on a fieldtrip!

When my principal found out I was going on a fieldtrip to the Gold Coast Railroad Museum he laughed and asked if my mommy had to sign a permission slip. She didn't, but I did.

Now, I have to admit that I probably never would have gone to the railroad museum on my own, but that I am so, so happy I went today! My instructor told me that at one point she was playing mother hen and running around making sure everyone was ok when she looked up and saw me. She said that I had wondered so far away that I looked like I was about an inch tall. Apparently, she tried calling my name and waving her arms to get my attention. It didn't work! lol! I only wondered back toward where everyone else was after I realized that it had been a really, really long time since I has seen anyone from class.

Seriously, get a camera and disappear for a few hours. It's wonderful therapy!

At one point I saw a family that had brought their kid out for pictures and they had him holding a bunch of red balloons in front of some of the old rusted train cars. I know those photos are going to look awesome!

Note to self: Next time take a bunch of red balloons.....and a kid...

After the museum several of us went for lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. That was lots of fun too!

I only took about 80 hundred thousand (Yes! that is a real number!) photos of the trains, so I promise not to show you all of them, but here are a some...

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You know I've got more photos and that I'll be more than happy to share them! lol!
(That's not really meant as a threat! ~ Well, ok, maybe it is...)


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Apr. 01, 2012. Thanks again.

  2. gorgeous photos! wow! LOVE the swirly font on that oh-so-fab quote!

  3. I have to tell you how well you are coming along in your photography class...sure wish they had one of those where I live. These pictures are marvelous!

  4. I have to tell you how well you are coming along in your photography class...sure wish they had one of those where I live. These pictures are marvelous!

  5. I admire your pictures and would be happy to see as many as yuo would like to share! :)

  6. Thanks so much for the word art.

  7. Love your photo's. My fav is the last one. I am sure that you can think of a great caption for it:)
    What a wonderful experience. Now you know how the kids feel when you ask them to share their experiences!!! Have a wonderful week.
