Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Another conversation with OCG...

Download wordart here

OCG: How was your day?

Me: Awesome! I haven't seen that black car in two days. I think I scared the guy off!

OCG: OK.....or, his vacation ended and he went home.

Me: Maybe, but when I tell this story it's going to end with him getting out of town before I went all Rambo on his car.

OCG: Why do I hang out with you?

Me: Because I'm awesome!

I won't tell you what he said at this point, but if he hadn't been paying for dinner I probably would have gone all Rambo on him. lol!


  1. Ooh I'm glad the car's gone and not getting in the way anymore! Thanks for the wordart!

  2. Thanks Ginger for the fabulous sentiment. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  3. Maybe the owner of the black card read your blog and thought he should get out of Dodge....or um....where ever you live LOL

  4. I'm inclined to agree with Debbie. Love your stories!

  5. OMG Hilarious!!!!!! still wanna know what he said. lol lol Thanks for the word art!!!

  6. Great word art! Thanks so much for sharing!
