Thursday, May 24, 2012

The cast is off!

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Sebastian showed up today with no cast on his leg! He's still in the wheelchair (mostly, just at school) because his little leg isn't that strong yet. Tomorrow he goes to get fitted for some braces that will help support him as he starts walking again.

I'm sorry to say that I didn't get a picture to share with you. Well, actually I snapped one with my phone but it accidentally got deleted. Sorry! I'll try my best to get another picture tomorrow.

Sebastian says that he just has to let his leg get a little bit stronger and then he'll dance with me. Watch out Donald Driver and William Levy, here comes Sebastian!


  1. yahoooooooooo!!!! so happy for mr. sebastian!

  2. Many thanks:) So true. Get your dancing shoes at the ready.

  3. Hi Ginger. I just posted card with one of yours sentiments, and i stop by to thank you for it.
    Hugs Nataliya

  4. Yay Sebastian! I am so proud of him. Thanks for the word art! :)

  5. Yay Sebastian. I am SO proud of him. Thanks for sharing your word art! :)

  6. Thanks for the wordart and for the update on Sebastian! Sounds like such a sweetheart!

  7. Thanks so much for the periodic updates on Sebastian! Can't wait to see a pic of him dancing with you!!

  8. I'm so happy that Sebastian has his cast off. It's probably a relief for him, as well. Hope the braces help him as he starts walking and building strength in his leg. What a sweet boy to say that he will dance with you! Sometimes what you tell us he says, makes me think he has insight far beyond his years. :)

  9. Great news on Sebastian! Love the senitment; it is SO true of my life! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Aww that's fantastic news! That'll be a great dance when the time comes.... Thanks for the wordart
