Monday, May 7, 2012

Getting back to normal...

I actually had a very productive weekend! I got caught up on lots of things! I did more laundry than anyone should ever do, I cleaned (yuck!), did some stuff for school, and started working on an order for end of the school year presents. I also managed to get a haircut, do some shopping, order fajitas and take several naps. YEA ME!

As proof that things are getting back to normal I have to let you know about the conversation I had with Orange Croc Guy on Saturday. We were going out for a late lunch and as we walked down the street I spotted the black Mercury Cougar with Wisconsin tags and sprang into action...

ME: OOOhhhhh.....follow that car!

OCG: Ginger, we can't follow that car. We're walking.

ME: So, it's not like he drives fast!

At this point, I actually stepped off the sidewalk into the street, but the car decided to take off and it moved faster than I've seen it move before!

OCG: That guy is going to get a restraining order against you. Get back over here before you get hit by a car.

ME: If this were the movies, you would steal a car for me and we would be following that jerk right now.

OCG: If this were the movies, I would steal a car to get away from you.

ME: No you wouldn't.

OCG: Whatever you say.

Yep, things are getting back to normal around here!


  1. Thank you Ginger for the fabulous freebie sentiments. hugs Shirleyxxx

  2. Thanks for the freebie! Love them all!

  3. OMGosh, too funny story! Love the word art ... so true, so true ... pertaining to about half the guys I dated! Hee! Soooo glad you got your laundry done so you have clean underwear! Ha! And ... fajitas sound good ... mmmm. TFS bits of your life and wordart. :)

  4. So Ginger, why did you go after the car with Wisconsin Tags? I happen to live in Wisconsin and am just wondering.

  5. hee hee this is appropriate for a few people I know! Thanks so much!
