Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Just so you know...

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He read.

He called.

He misses my left hand.

BUT....I still don't want to go to New Jersey. lol!


  1. But most important .........he called!

  2. AND Anne's in New Jersey so when we visit her, we could visit you!!! :-)

  3. Yeah! Thanks for updating! Can you go just for a visit like a week or weekend vacation?

    Trust God he knows what's best.

  4. OMG Ginger, I just read your posts. HE CALLED. From one friend to another and from someone who also lost their true love and (I'm most likely NEVER going to find another). Go get him! Who cares where you are as long as you are together. That's what counts the most. Please don't miss this opportunity. I'm about to cry just writing this. You love him and he loves you. I know you do. :) GO GET HIM! :) Just saying -------- Love you, April aka aprilthescrapaholic

  5. Aww he misses you!
    I love your post about the missing of the hands... I never thought about it that way, but you describe it so perfectly!!
    I never thought anything could make me feel even slightly inclined to move away again, but if my sailor had to, I would... I wouldn't want to, but I'd move...

  6. Yay! He called!!!

    Go for it! Experience it for all NJ is worth! Spend the summer "exploring" the relationship & finding out how you two do.

    We'll be here waiting for you, either way.

    D :)

  7. I say go to N.J.!!!! You can always go back if things don't work out! Don't be an old woman with regrets!!! It's an awful way to live!

  8. Hey ya ... here's my two-cents: Put on your big girl panties and take a leap! Don't think of it as going to NJ, think of it as going to be with the man you love, who loves you. :) Follow your heart and take it one day at a time. Sending you good thoughts and friendly hugs. Gabby :)

  9. I love this, thank you bunches and If you don't want to go to N.J. then maybe if it is the real thing, he will value you enough to come to you. Hugs Cathy

  10. Can't tell you what to do but...I would go for a set period of time, then you know you have an ending. If you are having fun, just extend the time...you are off for the summer!! You have to know if this is right for both of you. Take one day at a time. So glad he called and misses you and your left hand. Keep us posted, please. We will be here wherever you go! Hugs

  11. Best wishes, Ginger. Thanks for the wordart! I love it.

  12. See, I'm not the only one. LOL See ya Ginger.
