Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mini Vacay

Download wordart here

OK guys, I'm going out of town for the next couple of days. NO, I'm not going to New Jersey, but OCG is doing well and he told me to tell all of you that he says "hi".

Gabby, here's the link to the first installment of The Story of Me.


From there just forward to the other parts. I've posted one every week.

I just realized I've been voring you guys with this story for a long, long time. I really need to change it up and force you to read something else that I've written. lol!

I'll be back Friday. Hopefully, there won't be any problems with the downloads.


  1. Please don't stop "the story of me"!!! It's brilliant although at times hard to read (sadly there are still too any children who don't have a carefree childhood) .....kinda hoping there is going to be a "happy ever after" (I know .....not always the case in real life!!!)
    Thank you for sharing the story.....and fab word art!

  2. Thank you for the wordart! I'd been wondering what happened with OCG!! x

  3. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 7 post on Jun. 19, 2012. Thanks again.

  4. If only we could learn from this saying.Thanks for sharing.Jocelan

  5. Thanks for your art and your story....

