Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thank goodness!

Download wordart here

I spent most of the day out running errands and meeting my friends for lunch and thank goodness cause there was a water line break right in front of where I live and there was no water for most of the afternoon.

Isn't it funny how once you can't have something that's all you want?

We got water again a little after 7PM and are now on a boil water advisory for the next day or two. UGH!

I used bottled water to wash my face and brush my teeth. lol!


  1. Hahahahaha...I resemble this statement, just not the money part! :) Love it, thank you so much for sharing. ;)

  2. Sorry to hear about the water problems...yuck!
    This wordart will be awesome on a t-shirt for my kiddos...LOL. THANKS!
