Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A new twist on an old question

Download wordart here

I haven't gotten the usual, "Do you have a job?" question that one of the kids usually ask every year.....yet!

Instead I got a newer and better version.....

"Are you pretending to be a teacher or something?"

When I asked if he thought I would be a good teacher he informed me that his PreK teacher was better. lol!


  1. Mercy me!! Let us know when you see Sebastian and how he's doing this year.

  2. Oh dear!
    Thanks for the word art!

  3. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 5 post on Aug. 22, 2012. Thanks again.

  4. So very true, thank you for this one! Have a great day!

  5. I'm sure once the students get to know you - they will think you are a much better teacher than their Pre-K!!!! Thank you for the smile and the great wordart!

  6. Love visiting your blog to catch up on Sebastian and to see / collect all your wonderful quirky wordart ....

  7. Ha, that's a good one! You should write these down. Oh, wait. Never mind. LOL

    It reminds me of the time when I, at the ripe old age of 22, told my 13-year-old grade 9 student to remove the pencils from his nose, and his response was, "You expect too much from us. We're not OLD LIKE YOU, you know."

    True story. :)

    Have a good one, Ginger. Only two more school days this week. ;)

  8. Love the quote today! As a romance writer, sometimes in a first draft we bypass the meat of the story to get to the required Happy Ever After! I need this for my bulletin board!

  9. AWE Thank you very much!! Omg Kids say the darndest things!!!! Craziness!!! Have a Wonderful day! you are Awesome!!!!!!!!!
