Saturday, August 11, 2012


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You know you're going to have a bad day when you drop the soap in the shower, it lands on your foot and before you even finish the shower you can see a bruise. Seriously! If anyone ever tries to break into your house just throw a bar of Dove soap at them. That crap hurts!

Remember when my old email account got hacked? Well, even though I changed all my passwords the losers got into my real email account today. UGH!

That meant sending out a real email to all my contacts, changing all my passwords again and dealing with the lovely customer service people at AT&T. I don't like the lovely customer service people at AT&T!

Then my neighbor and I combed our hair, put on make up and ordered fajitas for dinner. Guess what? No cute fajita delivery guy! Apparently, he thinks it's ok to just take days off with no concern at all for me.

I'm going to bed in hopes of having a better day tomorrow.


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 4 post on Aug. 11, 2012. Thanks again.

  2. So sorry for all the computer woes and the lack of a cute fajita guy!! Chin up; it'll get better!

  3. Thank you for the wonderful word art. So true! You seem to have had a bad day particularly with the cute fajita day taking some time off! That was all you needed! Hope for a good day tomorrow. Hugs, Suze

  4. LOVE today's wordart! Yah, when those bars of soap crash down on your foot, it feels like a brick! Youch! Sorry your cute fajita delivery guy didn't deliver. Yes, I meant that to be a funny. Heehee! :) Hope the hacker leaves you alone sooner than later. Jerk!

  5. Thanks for all the wonderful word art. I just love them. Hugs, Robin

  6. Thank you for this is great sentiment. I find it the best to just keep my eyes closed for each. :o) You are very lucky to just drop the soap once, I can't seem to be able to keep a hold on my dove soap. So sorry your favorite delivery guy didn't deliver. :o(
