Saturday, September 29, 2012

Queen of the TV

Download wordart here

The good news is that for the first time in a long time there are no shows waiting to be watched in the DVR box.

The bad news is that I have spent the last three days lying around watching more TV than anyone should ever watch.

The funny news is that I don't really remember what I've watched.


  1. Glad to hear you haven't lost your sense of humour! Wishing you a speedy recovery - take it easy and be gentle on yourself.

  2. You crack me up...I'm so glad that you are resting and recovering well. I needed this laugh..I have shingles. I loved when the doctor asked "Have you had a great deal of stress lately?"..."noooo..I just teach for a living, lol"

  3. Me too & why does this happen more often the older we get??? LOL

  4. Thanks Ginger! I can relate to both the wordart and your entry . . .

  5. Getting bored is a good sign that you are recovering. Don't feel bad I can be watching a show and think I'm watching it intently and have to rewind to hear what they just said.
    Thanks much for the fun wordart!!

  6. Cute word art! Glad you still have your wonderful sense of humor. Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. Go easy on yourself and enjoy this down time to heal your body and spirit.

  7. Glad to see you sounding back to yourself and laughing. The word art is fantastic thanks for sharing.

  8. Thank you so much for the word art!!!
