Thursday, October 11, 2012

Busted! by FlowerScraps

Download word art here

I have the perfect story to go with this kit!

This morning one of my students came into the room crying because he had forgotten his book bag at home. I told him it was Ok and to just think of all the times I've told them about something I had left at home.

Right after I said that another voice from across the room called out.....four!

LOL! Yep, I was busted!

Actually, I was kind of impressed because I would have bet money that it had happened more than four times.

Now, let's get to the fabulous Busted! kit. It had an alpha, 12 papers and 41 elements.

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There's a great set of word art available too...

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Here's a layout I put together using Busted!

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  1. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBB Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Oct. 11, 2012. Thanks again.

  2. That's one way of getting them to work on their counting!! Thank you for the word art - I do random gravity checks a bit I think!

  3. Thanks. My MIL will love this! :)

  4. Great one!!! I'm going wear one of these all of the time. I fall frequently.

  5. Awesome wordart! Thanks Ginger. Love how you dealt with the upset student - very cool!
