Monday, October 22, 2012

I don't want it to be Monday!

Download word art here

This weekend has flown by and I am so sad to see it end!

The good news is that I get to tell you about what I did on Saturday morning. The bad news is that it wasn't as awesome as I had thought it was going to be.

There was supposed to be a zombie flash mob in downtown Miami on Saturday morning after the Race for the Cure. There were hundreds of people signed up, but only about 30 zombies showed up. The downtown traffic was a mess because of the Race for the Cure and I think people just gave up and went home. Apparently, zombies like to cause traffic jams but they don't like to be caught in traffic. lol!

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I will tell you that at one point I was standing in the middle of the crowd that was there for the Race for the Cure walk looking for zombies so that I could direct them to the correct area. As I was standing there one of my friends that lives downtown approached me thinking I had participated in the walk. I told him that I hadn't and that I was just looking for Zombies. He laughed because he thought I was joking.

As we stood there talking a couple of zombies approached from behind my friend. I stopped in the middle of my sentence and called out, "Zombies, this way. Go toward the water and turn right." You should have seen the look on my friends face!

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Anyway, since the morning zombies were a disappointment we decided to hit up the zombie crawl on Lincoln Road Saturday night. The South Beach zombies rock! Plus, I didn't have to fight traffic to get there because I walked.

There were way more zombies and they were great about having a bunch of photographers stalking them as they made their way up Lincoln Road and back down again.

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We hit up Finnegans Pub for refreshments....lots and lots of refreshments before calling it a night.

Needless to say, I slept in on Sunday!

After spending the afternoon visiting with my friends, who dropped by unannounced, I grabbed my camera and headed out to photograph the sunset from South Point Park with the Miami Beach Photography Club.

It was a beautiful night with a great breeze.

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At some point in the awesomeness that was my weekend I lost my resort pass and have had to be extra nice to the guards at the gate so I could get in.

Saturday night, I got onto the property with no problem, but getting into the building was another story. There was no one around and no matter how many times I looked up at the security camera and begged to be let in no one opened the door for me. (Whoever was supposed to be monitoring the camera was probably sleping. lol!) I tried using the freight elevator, but they had it turned off for the night. That didn't stop me from getting on and pushing all of the buttons though. lol! I'm not sure why I thought it would work for one floor if it wouldn't work for another. (I did mention that there had been lots of refreshments, right?)

After begging the security camera to let me in and pressing all the buttons on the freight elevator I gave up and just started walking around trying to open random doors. lol! Eventually, I spotted a door that had been proped open and headed that way. It got me into a building and from there I was able to get into my building. (Thank goodness the buildings are all connected!)

When I got home from taking pictures of the sunset getting into the building was much easier. I simply followed a couple of random guys in from the parking garage. lol!

Now, I've got to get some sleep and figure out how I'm getting back into the building after work.


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend! Love the sentiment, thanks! I think I'll email it to my husband and see what he thinks LOL

  2. Great photos. Good luck with getting in after work! Thank you for the wordart.

  3. wow sounds like you had fun ... thank you so much for the word art ... it is our wedding anniversary at the end of november and hope to use it on a card to dh ... hope you dont mind ... happy crafting sandy

  4. Regardless of the sort of disappointing day zombies, sounds like the night ones were fun and that you certainly had a FUN night w/friends. Pics turned out cool. Hope you can get your pass thingy worked out so "going home" gets back to normal. I'd almost be more worried that a zombie picked up my pass and that he will be stalking me. Eeeek! Hee! :)

  5. Thanks. That is probably one of the funniest word art sayings I have read in a while. LOL

  6. Sounds like zombies much prefer the night!

    Thank you for the word art. I laughed so hard. I'm sending it to DH.

  7. Thanks for the wonderful sentiment. Scary pics!

  8. Thanks for the great word art, love it...


  9. love this sentiment, Yep, this is going to be a well used one for sure, that is when I quit laughing LOL thank you bunches hugs, cathy k

  10. Love all of your great pics...zombie one's and the others. Looks like lots of fun...even if only 30 Zombie's showed up....that's 30 more than we have here lol. Thanks so much for the sentiment.

  11. Thanks for sharing the photos and wordart!

  12. Oh! That word art is sooooooooooo funny! It didn't apply to my parents, but i know families where this is the dynamic - i shouldn't laugh because it really is sad, but i can't help it - the word art is so true in many cases, but just the wording of this makes me laugh. Thank you for my first chuckle of the day!

  13. Love the word art, I will be using it in my wedding anniversary card to hubby. Thank you.
    I love watching Flash Mob vids on You Tube it would be great to see one in real life.
    Lottie x
