Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sorry to leave you hanging...

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You guys are sweet and funny!  Thanks for the emails asking about my friend and the news from the doctor.

Truthfully, I don't know what to tell you.

I haven't heard from my friend since the missed conference call.  Yes, they actually called my house!  If I hadn't stayed at work late I would have been home when they called.

So, the lesson here is -----Never, ever work late.  Nothing good comes of it!

I know that my friend has been busy and I'm sure that I'll hear from him soon.

As for the news from the doctor, it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it also wasn't as good as I was hoping it would be. 

Apparently, they were not happy with what they cut out and want to torture me some more and at some point I'm supposed to go see a gynecological oncologist.  (GROSS!  I can't believe I just typed those words!)

When the doctor's office called me back I really wasn't in the best place or even the best frame of mind to listen to what they were saying.  So, after learning that it would be 4 - 6 weeks before they did anything else I asked if I could call them back.

The part that really made me sad was knowing that 6 weeks from the day I got that call will be my birthday and you guys know how important my birthday is to me.

My birthday was messed up last year because of the whole Michael Jordan versus Batman basketball game and I still haven't forgiven Orange Croc Guy for that.  I can't have a messed up birthday two years in a row!

Anyway, I've had a couple of days to feel sorry for myself now and I'm in a better frame of mind.  So, I promise I'll be returning the phone call on Monday...or Tuesday....or maybe Wednesday....

Seriously, I'll make the call.  I promise!  But, other than throwing me a party and buying me large expensive gifts; I will not let those people do anything to me on or near my birthday!


  1. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBB Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 5 post on Oct. 07, 2012. Thanks again.

  2. Good for you Ginger. I'm sure that they could schedule anything that needs to be done for another week. I managed to have the date that my son was induced changed so it wasn't the 13th - I didn't ever want him to have his birthday on Friday 13th if I had some control over it. Silly I know but his birthday is now 15th and I'm much happier (even if he still had to be induced)! It's my birthday tomorrow and I plan to enjoy it!

  3. I love reading your posts, good and bad news. It reminds me of how human we all are and that it's okay to BE human. Thinking of you as you wait more weeks to have this travail behind you. Hang tough! We are all right here behind you, pulling for you to be well.

  4. Oh Ginger - that does not sound good for your girly parts :-( Do hope you can get to REALLY celebrate your birthday in style.

  5. Asi-asi news is better than bad. Sending you good thoughts and hoping the next step will resolve the issue. Here's hoping your birthday turns out just the way you plan! Hugs. :)
