Thursday, November 8, 2012

The things kids say...

Download word art here

One of the girls in my class returned to school today after being out sick.  She came in, walked right up to me and said....

I'm sorry I didn't come to school, but I had an ear confection."


  1. Ginger
    Too funny. Kids do say some cute things.
    Thanks for the great quote.

  2. I'm going to show my age, & say, "remember Art Linkletter RERUNS?" LOL I do! They always said, "Kids say the Darnedest things!" Thanks.

  3. Great word art! I will be using this on cards for a few people I know ... you know those who "collect" and leave out (I mean display), but do not (as yet) hoard?!?! Hee! TFS Your student's comment is too cute ... wonder what of candy was in her ear? Hee!

  4. This quote is perfect for me! thanks Ginger!

  5. Have you been peeking in my windows???? Sounds a lot like my house!!!! Love it..


  6. Thanks for the freebie! Ear confection xD

  7. You've been peeking in my house again haven't you? This fits my husband to a T. As far as he is concerned out of sight out of mind so he believes that means he has to have everything out around him piled up in pile upon pile.

    Bit of a sore point between us.

    Have a great week Ginger. Can you tell I'm catching up on a week worth of your quotes?!!

    Lisa D.
