Sunday, December 2, 2012

Stupid Magic 8 Ball!

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OK, I seriously had and still have more things on my "to do" list today than I can possibly get completed.  So far, I've managed to get out of bed, talk on the phone, send emails and text messages and watch cheesy Christmas movies on Lifetime.  Only one of those things is actually on my "to do" list!  I'll let you guess which one.  lol!

Remember when the Magic 8 ball said I should buy a power ball ticket because I was going to win the money?  Well.....IT LIED!  Stupid Magic 8 Ball!

Yesterday, I was playing in the forum at DigiScrap Station and saw the siggy challenge with a free kit that has a magic 8 ball!  Of course, OCG was being difficult and claimed it was just a pool ball, but I know better!  It's a Magic 8 Ball and it was teasing me because I didn't win the power ball, I'm still poor and I still have to get out of bed on Monday mornings and go to work. 

I had to join the challenge!  I couldn't just sit there while the Magic 8 Ball laughed at me!  I had to take control and so I did...

Oh, and I did not cut off the ends.....the Magic 8 Ball did.  At least that's the story I'm telling everyone!  lol!

Go check out the challenge and you'll get this cute tagger kit for free...


  1. Thank you I love it when a verse makes you think

  2. Thank you I love it when a verse makes you think
