Monday, May 7, 2012

Getting back to normal...

I actually had a very productive weekend! I got caught up on lots of things! I did more laundry than anyone should ever do, I cleaned (yuck!), did some stuff for school, and started working on an order for end of the school year presents. I also managed to get a haircut, do some shopping, order fajitas and take several naps. YEA ME!

As proof that things are getting back to normal I have to let you know about the conversation I had with Orange Croc Guy on Saturday. We were going out for a late lunch and as we walked down the street I spotted the black Mercury Cougar with Wisconsin tags and sprang into action...

ME: OOOhhhhh.....follow that car!

OCG: Ginger, we can't follow that car. We're walking.

ME: So, it's not like he drives fast!

At this point, I actually stepped off the sidewalk into the street, but the car decided to take off and it moved faster than I've seen it move before!

OCG: That guy is going to get a restraining order against you. Get back over here before you get hit by a car.

ME: If this were the movies, you would steal a car for me and we would be following that jerk right now.

OCG: If this were the movies, I would steal a car to get away from you.

ME: No you wouldn't.

OCG: Whatever you say.

Yep, things are getting back to normal around here!