Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Time for Sebastian's surgery!

Download word art here

Sebastian will be at the hospital at 5 AM for his surgery.  Please send up good thoughts, prayers and wishes.

I'll update you with info as I can.

Now, it's time to give away the prizes my neighbor has donated.  If you're a winner, please email me your address!

The winner of the plastic stamps is Karen Ladd!

The rubber stamps go to Jessi Fogan!

The glitter goes to wendipooh13!

Suze and Beate each get a $10 gift certificate to Whimsy Stamps!

I really can't thank you guys enough for all the cards!  I've been trying to keep up with the list as the cards arrive and hope I haven't missed anyone. 

I've gotten emails and messages from people who are afraid that their card hasn't or won't arrive in time and that's ok!  He's a 6 year old boy who will be excited to get mail whenever it arrives.  I mean, who doesn't get excited about receiving cards?!?!