Sunday, January 13, 2013

It's sad but true...

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For the first time in years teachers in Dade county actually got a raise!  That should be exciting shouldn't it?  Well, sadly the raise kicked in at the same time the new tax laws did and here's how my salary breaks down...

I now make an extra $47.20 every two weeks. 
There's an extra $17.82 in federal taxes being taken from my check.
Social Security is taking an extra $68.74.
Medicare is getting an extra $1.06.
Thanks to the worst governor in the history of the world an extra $1.41 is going into the Florida retirement system.
I made changes to the amount of things I willing have taken from my check so that amount decreased $20.98.

So.....all in all, after getting my long awaited raise, I am now bringing home $20.85 less than I was.

Yep, I went to college for this!  What was I thinking?


  1. LOL
    You sound like I did last week!!
    Went to Nursing school to
    Work more hours
    Eat less lunches
    Have more stress
    Get beat up and called more names

    Bring less home in my pay than last year!!
    and did I mention, not only am I paying more taxes, but I have to pay MORE toward my medical, which half the time I get sick FROM my job!!!

    Crafting is the ONLY sane part of my day!!

    All we can do is smile and say
    Have a nice day! :)

  2. Well hopefully the 'CEO' of Florida (surely that idiot does not deserve the title of governor) is going to be overturned on his mandatory 3% retirement venture. Maybe I'm not all the way up-to-date on things, but last I heard, it looked like the supreme court was going to overrule him and the state was going to have to return the money to the workers. Now how they will do that when their hokey investments have resulted in a DECREASE of our investment is yet to be seen. I say Scott should have to pay out of his own pocket for it!!! What do you think? This family can't stand the guy--and I am 100% sure he will NOT make a re-election!!!

  3. Thanks Ginger - you have such a way of putting things that gives me a laugh. On the positive side, at least you did get a raise so that negative figure is not as high as it could have been!
