Friday, February 22, 2013

Friends Across the Miles by Shel Belle Scraps and B2N2 Scraps

Download word art here

Shel Belle Scraps and B2N2 Scraps have teamed up on a really cute kit called Friends Across the Miles

This kit, with it's warm rich colors, is perfect for scrapping photos of all your friends ~ near and far.  It has 20 papers, 48 elements and a full alpha.  If you hurry, you may be able to buy Friends Across the Miles while it's on sale!

Take a look at my layouts...


  1. Love this! It will look perfect with the SLEEPING grandkids layouts!!! Could I please get the name of the font? Thanks so much!

  2. Our hobbies are very similar b/c mine is napping. LOL Thanks for the word art. :)

  3. Aah, if only this were true. Thank you
    Lottie x
