Thursday, February 14, 2013

I must have been sleepy...

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I woke up this morning and found my toothbrush in the trash can.  Seriously!  I don't keep my toothbrush any where near the trash can so the only way it could have gotten there is if I threw it away after brushing my teeth.  I don't remember throwing it away, but I must have.....unless.....the bathroom ghost is back and has decided to stop flushing the toilet and start throwing my toothbrush away. 

Don't laugh!  It could happen!


  1. Thank u. This so true 4 most of us.

  2. LOL. Brilliant observation! Thanks for sharing.

  3. That's funny! I was just thinking the same thing but I was thinking about it of CHEMISTRY! :(

    I wrote a little something something about your blog on mine! :) If you'd like to see it...

  4. I loved math but this is still cute! Thanks.
