Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunrise at Deering Estate

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OK, I got up way too early and drove way too far, but I think the photos were worth it.  What do you think...


  1. YES! It was worth it! Thanks so much for making the drive, taking the pictures and SHARING with us! Happy Easter, my friend! Love ya, MamaCoop

  2. ABSOLUTELY worth it!! These are wonderful!

  3. Awesomely beautiful - great job, terific eye for shots.


    D :)

  4. Let's go to Disney! :) The pics are beautiful! Thanks.

  5. Totally it was worth the drive and the early rise! These are beautiful!
    I'm with you on the sentiment too, never too old for Disney!
    Thanks for sharing such gorgeous pics and great sentiments.
    Hope you're having a good Easter!

  6. Totally it was worth the drive and the early rise - these pictures are just beautiful!
    Great sentiment too and I agree, you're never too old for Disney!
    Thanks for sharing both gorgeous pictures and great sentiments.
    Hope you're having a good Easter!

  7. Definitely worth the drive! Just in awe of this sunrise! Thanks for sharing this, Jesus has risen!

  8. Wow, amazing photos. You are very talented with a camera. You should be selling your work!
    CDAC DT Member
    A Look Through My Eyes

  9. Wow they are beautiful pictures! And the sentiment is so true!
