Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy May give away

Download word art here 

Happy May!  I am one day closer to summer vacation and I couldn't be happier!

Several and I mean SEVERAL years ago I was given a Cricut for Christmas and other than opening it up that first day to play I never used the poor thing.  I was feeling like a negligent parent when a friend of mine commented that she would love to have one and I decided to put mine up for adoption.  It really was the best thing to do.  She was going to love the little thing way more than I ever could. 

My friend has now taken the Cricut and moved away.  I don't have the best track record of keeping in touch with people even though I really, really mean to.  (I have several long distance friends that may be reading this right now and laughing because they know I'm telling the truth and can't remember the last time they heard from me.)  However, I'm sure my friend and her Cricut are very happy together and have created lots of beautiful crafty things.

Tonight, while cleaning out a long deserted box of crafting supplies I came across this little box...

Obviously, I have no use for this little goodie anymore.  If you can use it and would like to have it just leave a comment on this post and I'll pick someone to mail it out to in a week or so.


  1. Oh, I just got myself a cricut a couple of weeks ago, and I love it... If you didn't mind posting it to Germany I would love the cartridge, yet I can understand if that's a no go...
    Hugs from me to you, love your blog and really appreciate it that you take so much time to share things with us :)

  2. OMG! I'd love to use that for my travels to, from, and with my grandkids! <3

  3. I bought my cricut from the daughter-in-law of a friend, went all the way to Wisconsin to get it (I live in Ohio) and she didn't even give me the cartridges that came with it originally. I have a grand total of two! That's all I've ever been able to afford. So please include me in your drawing. Love your work and your posts. Always entertaining. the former teacher who knows what you go through for your work...

  4. OK this sentiment is going on one of my son's birthday cards, lol!! Love it, thanks for sharing!

  5. I would love to have it...I have a new Cricut and would love to make some cards for my graduates in the family...thanks so much for all you do...I love, love your sayings.

  6. This quote is perfect for my son-in-laws upcoming birthday card I'm going to make--he loves everything Zombies, and well, you get the rest.. lol, my daughter and I love to tease him... I've just been cruising for a Cricut cartridge and this one would be cool to have... thanks for the op to win it.

  7. Wow you did the same as me. I gave my orginal Cricut up for adopation last year then brought a Expression 2. And yes I also am not very good at keeping in touch with people. I have a policy, that communication is a 2way thing. Why should I always be the one to ring or email? Oh well I would love to give this wonderful cartridge a new home in a new country where it will be very much loved and cared for. Many thanks for also for your wonderfully sritten blog. I find it very up lifting to read.

  8. Oh WOW yes! I would love to give this a good home. I only have the cartridges that came with the machine - they're just way to expensive to buy. Thanks for the opportunity - you're the best!!!

  9. Please include me in the drawing! I bought a Cricut a couple years ago on a Black Friday sale. It's great for scrap booking and school projects. Thanks for the giveaway! Love you blog! God bless!!

  10. Oh I would love to have that little treasure. I love my Cricut since I finally learned how to use it after losing my job. Thanks for the chance and love all the wordart you create.

  11. I love my Expression.I used it to make the lettering for my window for my business. I don't use it as much as I'd like, but am so glad I have it!! Please toss my name in for your drawing. Thank you so much! And thank you for the wonderful little sayings you share with us!!!

  12. When my kids and husband bought me my Cricut a few years ago I too only took it out of the box once or twice to play with it and then it stayed in the box till a friend of mine showed me what all I could do with it and not be afraid of it, lol. Well, now it is set up in my craft room ready to use (I even threw the box away!) I would honored to give your cartridge a home with my cricut. Thanks for offering it as a giveaway!!

  13. Love the text!! (no need to include me in the draw - could not use it but thanks!).
